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Industrials, fuel, munitions supply & ambulances.

Posted: Wed 15 Aug 2007 3:33 am
by II/JG7_Warg
Hi 4Shades,

I'm finishing off that late Spanish Civil War template. (Madrid front - Lvov map, where Lvov = Madrid and Uzgorod = Toledo) Am just after a little clarification on which vehicles are enabled to transport fuel and munitions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, currently all trucks can carry fuel and munitions? I presume that no distinction is made between fuel and munition supplies? A unit is either supplied or it isn't supplied and depends on the vehicle / air / sea traffic from the fuel dump to the supplied unit. The sucess of this is indicated by it operating efficiency / morale rating of the unit. Factories, whilst used for production of new units, don't come into the supply calculation, correct?

Anyway, I'll put a note to the template, that fuel trucks such as the Gaz and Opel Blitz (S type chasis), can carry 5,000 litres. Hard to find detailed information on this, but WW2 French fuel trucks had this capacity. The Opel truck itself has a capacity of 82 litres, which is not the carrying capacity. Aside from this, would like the presence of ambulances to have a positive effect on efficiency / morale. Would argue that the medical teams patch up the minor battle injuries and improve morale, by the troops knowing that there is someone behind the frontline to look after them. Also, would make mission planners use them, if they have positive effects. Guess there might be scope for rear area Field Dressing Stations, AKA. MASH, to improve efficiency or rebuild a mauled unit back up to scratch.

Regards, Warg

Posted: Wed 15 Aug 2007 4:48 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Warg,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, currently all trucks can carry fuel and munitions?
All trucks can carry freight and/or supply by default. But remember, as a template designer you can specify which units carry freight/supply and also how much they carry.
I presume that no distinction is made between fuel and munition supplies?

A unit is either supplied or it isn't supplied and depends on the vehicle / air / sea traffic from the fuel dump to the supplied unit. The sucess of this is indicated by it operating efficiency / morale rating of the unit.
Not quite correct. Whether a unit is resupplied or not depends on the commander ensuring that supplies are made avaailabe to the unit at is location. Any unit will accept resupply regardless of its morale.
Factories, whilst used for production of new units, don't come into the supply calculation, correct?
Aside from this, would like the presence of ambulances to have a positive effect on efficiency / morale.
They do. Again, the choice of units that influence the morale of others is made by adjusting values in the Object_Specifications table, as discussed in the feature documentation.
