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Possible different supply points?

Posted: Fri 17 Aug 2007 4:38 am
Hello to all,

During the last three months we have involve in a campaign against the JG10 squadron in the SCW using the Moscow Map.

The campaign it is near to finish, and hopefully we can prepare a resume of some of the problems that we have found out.

Some of them has been explained by Loon.

The main problems arrive due to supply points.
Once we finish hopefully Loon and myself will prepare a small document with all this facts.

The main problem was that as we know the factory production send the ground units to the closest supply point.
If the enemy find this point, you can imagine what the enemy will do.
Also some of this points had problems with the ground motion.
So i want to know if it is possible to modify the code so once you plan the factory production create a new tab the indicate the place where you want to placed it.
All this can be done manually changing the resupply table but maybe there is a way to do it when you plan the factory production.

Will be the same with the air production.

Another option was introduce manually one supply point inside the industrial zone.

Hopefully i explained clearly. Loon if you want to add more to this post go ahead.

Thank you for the work. I can imagine the IL2 without the SEOW.
Now the mission wihout the SEOW looks boring.


Posted: Fri 17 Aug 2007 9:44 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
I understand Pavel, thank you. I will think about that.


Posted: Mon 20 Aug 2007 4:45 pm
by Ala13_Mdie
Hi all.

In the Ala 13 we found a problem with this subject in Crimea's. Ressuply point are too far from the front line, so there were a kind of useless about, for example, produce tanks that are going to appear near 100Km of the front line. For the time they were near to arrive, there will be nothing to deffend, or to attack. :)

The solution we found was to put a couple of ressuply points (one for each side/army) near the industrial installations for road supplies, and another two for the air ones.

This way made that the units we produced were near the front line(more or less), and it makes that the decision of "what to produce where" affects deeply the evolution of the front line movement.

The bad thing is that we had to made it by hand, each new ressuply point individually, but the result worth the effort... for us, at least. :wink:

The older points were used, just in case, for the admin ressuplies, not for the industrial productions.


Posted: Mon 20 Aug 2007 7:27 pm
by Loon

Yes, Mdie, seems this is just the single way to modify resupply points.

But if you don't have admin rights, simply you can't do it... :roll:

Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2007 4:21 am
by Ala13_Mdie
You are right, Loon. I'm THE admin. :wink: :D :D

But I forgot to tell one question about those new ressuply points (RP).

If you set a RP into the control radius of an Air Base (just to be able to freight a new unit directly into a transport plane as it appears), it's possible to generate a conflict between commanders.

If one side takes the air base, but don't conquer the factories near the Air Base (i.e. Yevpatoria, in Crimea), when commanders first see the tactical map, the Air base is Blue (and operational), but if the red side (owner of the factories) insert a new unit into the radius of the Field, wich has 0% of recon, this Field appears as "In dispute" for Reds, but for the Blue commander, it appears "Operational". So it can create a conflict, because Reds consider that this field is not operational, but it is for Blues, and can make transports land in this "Unoperational" field for Reds.

I'm not sure if I've been able to explain this situation properly. But the question I want to remark is that if somebody is going to set new RP's around industrial facilities, he has to take care and not to set them near close Airfileds to avoid possible arguments between commanders.


Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2007 4:29 am
That's what I do. I drop a supply point in the middle of every industrial district. It takes a few minutes to do it, but you only have to do it once per map. and yes you need DB access to do it.

The nice part is that if you know from your recon that tanks are being produced in whatever town, you flatten the town and then POW no more tanks come from there :)

If you want to get fancy, copy the industrial_districts table and create a supply point for each factory, just change the x or y by 100 so that units don't appear inside the that's giving pretty reolistic effects, but might be a little overkill.

Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2007 5:20 am
by Loon
Excellent, guys. Seems there are plenty of solutions to this trouble.

Of course, all of them passes thru the admin and the database modification.
If you are playing a campaign among your own squad members, this is OK, just one single admin is needed doesn't matter if he plays blue or red.

But if you're playing against a "foreign" squad?
Will you give them admin rights?
Will you tell'em about moving RP's to a different location if your army is close to overrun the enemy's RP?

Once at this point my question is: What can a commander do when he or any of his "non combatant officers" has no access to the database and they don't get answers to his prays?

It's easy. Wait for a new release where resupply points can be moved or established by each ground commander at the beginning or even during the campaign. :lol: :wink:

Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2007 6:00 am
Now let's not put undue pressure on 4shades and company...These guys volunteer thier time and effort to bring us SEOW.

But...even having said that. I'm not sure I get why you want too move your supply point if the other guy can't move his? If you're fighting another squad just pre-arrange where your points should be before starting the battle.

and if you were going to make them part of the MP then think about this idea.

Make them similar to airbases. Drop one in each industrial district and make them fall under the standard control area rules. If reds have control of that district then it is a red supply point, if blues advance and capture it then it becomes a blue supply point along with everything currently in it. Then its automatic for both sides and you don't need to move them.

For example you capture an enemy factory producing tanks, surely there are a few tanks parked out back and they would then fall under your control. For that matter, you wouldn't need supply points at all, just use the factory itself as the supply point. So if it looks like you're going to lose a factory to the enemy. You would have to shut it down (idle) pull out whatever is currently there to save it and then use your engineers to destroy it before the bad guy gets it...leave nothing for him.

Set up that way, you could even lose the units in the supply point if the factory is destroyed.

That would be cool, but personnally I just move/add them as needed before starting and change them red to blue in the DB as the missions progress and it works ok for me.

Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2007 6:07 am
ahh...I didn't see the other post. My suggestion would not address the conflict with airbase. I never thought of that...Good point Ala13_MDie. Although, if it was real. You could capture an airbase with a factory next door that the enemy was using to produce guns. Surely we would pop a few of them out the door and shoot at you, so probably that conflict is actually just about right. You'd have to take the factory too, to end the conflict.