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Supply depots refilling

Posted: Mon 17 Sep 2007 3:54 am
by Ala13_Mdie
Well. I think I know how to handle supplies and how to take them into the front line.

Units are resupplied from trucks or supply columns and those from airfields or industrial supply depots, being that lasts the main source of supplies. But is there any way for the industrial supply depots to be refilled? Is it made automatically, or it has to be done by the admin?

And if those depots are destroyed... are their whole reserves destroyed, or it can be destroyed only a fixed quantity of them?, more or less like the number of planes displayed in the airfields.

Thanks and S!

Posted: Mon 17 Sep 2007 7:18 am
by Ala13_Mdie
And one more question. Where could I see the supply transport values of the freighters? In wich table are them?


Posted: Mon 17 Sep 2007 9:55 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Mdie,

You can resupply Fuel Dumps (industrial installations) directly by unloading supply-carrying ships, aircraft and vehicles. When unloading supply, you will click on the map and the nearest fuel dump will be selected. If no fuel dumps or airbases are nearby, then you can select an empty piece of the map and you will create a Supply Drop there, which can be used by nearby units until its supply is exhausted (then it will disappear). Supply Drops can be targeted and destroyed!

If a Fuel Dump or Supply Drop is destroyed, then it loses ALL its supply. :shock: GUARD YOUR FUEL DUMPS!!!!

The transport carrying capacity of each unit is listed in the Object_Specifications table, under "Transport_Capacity".


Posted: Tue 18 Sep 2007 5:19 am
by Ala13_Mdie
Thank you for the answer, but looking at this table values(Transport_Capacity/Object_Specifications) all the car Columns (of both sides and any type) have this field at 'zero', whereas the single trucks have this value in '1'. Is this ok?
I mean that if a single truck can freigth one supply 'container' (wich real volume value is set up in DCS, isn't it? :wink: ), a trucks column should be able to transport at least... one per truck? Four containers in total? Six? :?:
Is it up to the admin?

And about destroying the industrial supply depots, could it be posible (for future versions) that commanders could set some factories to produce supplies? If this could be done, suplly depots could be refilled (in a fixed ammount per mission, set up in the DCS) by the factories around, so this avoid that an industrial facility could collapse at all in two succesing strikes. Depending on the map it could be a kind of fast 'check-mate', and it should force the logistic commander to not to think only in producing units, because he has to see how much supllies remains and, if necessary, produce them. It's only an idea. :wink:

The question is that if you want to have your supply depot safe, you have to fill the area with AAA, and it could make the host to slow down the processing speed (depending on the 'machine') if a industrial facility is atacked, apart that it makes the campaign able to go on despite of how good one side is in level bombing.


Posted: Tue 18 Sep 2007 5:29 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Mdie,

The idea with the Transport_Capacity fields is that the template designer specifies what objects can carry supplies, and how much. The default values are just there as guides. In the case of SEDB31, I forgot to put in sensible default values for some objects. :oops: Admins can edit those values as they see fit.

The idea of regularly resupplying facilities is a good option - I'll think about adding the option. Of course, draconian template designers will say that it is up to the commanders to preserve their supplies. Even if they lose all their on-map fuel dumps, there are still the off-map reserves to use. :twisted: AAA is one way to keep your fuel safe; CAP is another. Both together are great. Use large-calibre flak for best frame rates.


Posted: Tue 18 Sep 2007 1:44 pm
by Ala13_Mdie
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote: AAA is one way to keep your fuel safe; CAP is another. Both together are great. Use large-calibre flak for best frame rates.
Yes, but I'm afraid that if you set a CAP over every one of your industrial supply depots in Crimea (p.e.), you won't have more planes to attack anything with a minimum escort, or even to make any kind of CAS/SEAD. :D If there are just three supplies facilities, you are not able to protect all of them from the air every mission, so you will safe your facilities with AAA. Lots of them. :twisted: :D Don't you? :wink:


Posted: Tue 18 Sep 2007 8:22 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Exactly. That is what we hope to achieve with SEOW: commanders facing crucial trade-off decisions at every turn.
