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Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2007 1:15 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
I didn't yet understand how manage trains.
Can someone help me?
1. May I move a train? if yes, how? By "Create new task" menu trains are not available;
2. by Freight menu:
- current loaded freight - if none, should I move the train near a fuel depot to load freight? Then "load selected freight" from loadable freight list?
- unload freight - active when freight is loaded and the transport unit is near a unit lack of fuel?


Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2007 9:39 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi gross,

Trains are not yet fully functional in SEOW. That is, commanders cannot issue movement orders for them. This is the next feature set to be built.

Having said that, any trains that have waypoints in the template will follow those waypoints until they are completed.


Posted: Sat 29 Sep 2007 1:43 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
always many thanks for your specifications. :)