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Aircraft Flights Not Showing up in Missions

Posted: Wed 03 Oct 2007 1:15 pm
by doubletap

Hello, all. Thanks for the fantastic program!

I have an odd problem with SEOW. None of my flights, AI or piloted, make it into the missions. I have tried multiple times planning aircraft flights in MP (I am using the Tunis beginner map at this point) making sure to confirm orders, have fuel in the plans, launch immediately, etc., and every time the ONLY aircraft which shows up in the mission is the host plane. All other aircraft missions disappear, although the ground missions seem to translate just fine.

The airfields I am operating from are operational, there are no enemy anywhere near them, and my breakdown ratings are 20% or less. I planned aircraft flights from multiple airfields and from both sides.

I receive no errors messages after building a turn, just get no aircraft taking off anywhere.

I get the feeling I am missing something simple, but I am at a loss as to what.

I am operating a local install (thank you B16ENK!) on XP.

Any insight would be appreciated.


Posted: Wed 03 Oct 2007 9:58 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
The first thing to do is to check your mission .properties file. If any flights are cancelled due to breakdowns, this information will be written into the file.

You can read this information either by hosting the mission and checking out each side's briefings screen, or by opening the .properties file in Notepad.

If this draws a blank, the only other thing I can think of is that you may have scheduled your flights for delayed launch (i.e. not Immediate Launch), so they are still at base waiting for the allotted time.

Ooh, another idea. If you are using B16Enk's 1.0 release, maybe you are getting an issue with the MyISAM tables. Check out the suggestion to convert the release to use InnoDB tables - they are what I use in developing SEOW.

Let us know how you get on.


Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2007 12:07 pm
by doubletap

I checked the last mission I had done, and there indeed was a message that all the flights had been canceled due to enemy action, lack of supply or equipment failure. It was at least 6 flights, which seemed like a lot based on the settings.

I replaced the section of that file "my-small" as laid down in the other thread, and I restarted the campaign from scratch, setting all supply and fuel levels to max, and reducing breakdown to 0%.

I ran a couple of more turns, and in each case, all the flights were canceled to the above reasons. Now, I know none of them can be because of enemy activity because no one is close (the radius is 4km, but no enemy is within at least 20km of any airfield).

Any more ideas what might be shutting them down?


Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2007 9:14 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Are you sure you have set the "Allied Aircraft Breakdown" and "Axis Aircraft Breakdown" sliders to 0%? These are different to the "Vehicle Breakdown Rate". (Just checking).

Are you using Fog Of War? There was a bug with this regarding incorrect estimates of fuel supply at airbases, fixed recently in DCS3.1.3, I think. Try turning Fog Of War OFF.


Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007 1:05 pm
by doubletap
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:Are you sure you have set the "Allied Aircraft Breakdown" and "Axis Aircraft Breakdown" sliders to 0%? These are different to the "Vehicle Breakdown Rate". (Just checking).

Are you using Fog Of War? There was a bug with this regarding incorrect estimates of fuel supply at airbases, fixed recently in DCS3.1.3, I think. Try turning Fog Of War OFF.


Yeah, the breakdown rates were set properly. I did as you suggested and turned fog of war off, and it worked. Flights take to the air, thanks!

I was using 3.1.1 DCS, so if I upgrade, that should resolve the issue entirely. Mucho gracias!
