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Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2007 8:25 pm
by BS8th_Jaw
ok, its been a few weeks since I looked at anything related to the black sheeps seow... and now ive forgotten our pwords... how do I get the DB back to default so i can login again? I cant login on our page for seow. I tried the default password and neither worked... so please uh HELP!

Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2007 9:15 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
All your passwords are contained in the PilotData table in the DB. You can just read them and change them etc.


Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2007 10:16 pm
by BS8th_Jaw
tried that, still wont allow me to login, even following them...

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2007 2:38 am
by BS8th_Jaw
any help ? I even edited the file and changed all the passwords and logins and it still wont work... im in dire straights as I cannot do anything with seow this way.

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2007 2:58 am
by Goanna
BS8th_Jaw wrote:any help ? I even edited the file and changed all the passwords and logins and it still wont work... im in dire straights as I cannot do anything with seow this way.
Hi BS8th_Jaw,
4Shades is moving house this weekend so he may not get to see this for a couple of days.
When you say you have edited the file, do you mean that you have used phpMyAdmin or the like to edit the pilotdata table in your database or you have edited the MP-Admin.php file? You will need to use a database tool like phpMyAdmin (or your preferred database tool) to look at the pilotdata table in your database. This is where the usernames and passwords are kept.

Changing the password in the Mp-Admin.php file just changes the password to access the database connections page.

Hope this helps



Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2007 8:06 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Jaw,

Part of our difficulty is that you haven't really explained the details of what you are trying to do. We *guess* you are having trouble logging in as commander to the MP, but we really aren't certain. We aren't sure whether your problems are only for a specific campaign, or for all sectors in the MP. We don't know whether you are the administrator of this SEOW server or not.

So maybe the situation will become clearer if you can set the scene for us a little better.


Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2007 1:44 pm
by BS8th_Jaw

Well its been about a month or so since I had any time to do anything with seow for the black sheep (school starting and all) and the other day I went to login to the last sector I had running which was Guadalcanal, and I tried logging into it with the passwords that I had set a month back. I tried the admin, the alliedhq, and the axishq and neither of them worked, figuring that I had forgotten to change them originally I tried all the defaults and those didnt work as well. I then made this post, went onto phpadmin and edited the pilot thing, I changed all the passwords and then tried again and it still wont let me into the login, for admin or either of the sides. It says invalid credentials every time I try... so my problem is I cannot login at all... although connecting to the DB is just fine, everything on that side works, I just cant login to issue any orders or anything of the like.

So what I am wondering, is if I dump my database and reload it will it default everything back to original or is there something more I have to do?

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2007 2:04 pm
by Hitcher
I would check your database configuration page to make sure it is set correctly for the sector you have initialized. If that is not the problem, I have no idea what it could be, but the solution you mentioned should work.