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Difference Between Factory and Industrial Production

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2007 6:19 pm
by doubletap
Hello Again,

I had a question regarding Factory versus Industrial production as I have been reading up on all the added features to SEOW since I last created a campaign.

As I understand it, factory production is:

Set locations on the map where units are built and then put into the reinforcement pool off map. These locations have to be set in the database beforehand, and if they do not exist, new unit production cannot be done. I have used this before, and it is one of the best features among many.

Now, I see that one of the newer features is the creation of live targets in ALL Industrial locations on a map (as a toggable switch in DCS). These make all fuel and industrial locations on a map targetable by AI by placing units inside them. Understood so far.

The question I have is; how does the industrial expansion with this switch effect gameplay?

Does it automatically create unit producing factories on the map, or do these locations simply produce the supply points for the supply system, thus attacking them reduce overall supply totals for the enemy. I am guessing from my search on the thread that this latter choice is the case, but wanted to clarify.

If the latter IS the case, does destroying a production factory ALSO affect supply, or are they completely seperate in SEOW?

Oh, and if supply is created by factories, what happens on a map where this DCS switch is NOT engaged? Do live factories once activated add to the supply levels, or are they simply a way to reduce the level already established in the scenario?

Sorry for the longer post, but I figure the more I type, the less you have to...



Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2007 11:27 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Doubletap,

Good questions, I hope I can answer them clearly.

First, all industrial facilities are listed in the Industrial_Installations table of the DB. You can rename these, add new ones, delete them as you see fit. Most people just go with the default installations.

Factories, when enabled "in production" by commanders, produce Production_Points which are used to build new combat materiel (vehicles, tanks, guns, aircraft, ships) over time. As each new item is built, it is allocated into the Reinforcements pool automatically.

Fuel Tanks have no production mode. They are simply storehouses where supply is stored. This is a key point - there is no item or object in SEOW that produces supplies, but many objects consume supplies.

When you start a campaign, your supplies are limited to the contents of your Fuel Tanks plus the initial supply holding of all your units plus your Off Map reserves. That's it. You can't make more, but you can consume (and even destroy) supplies. The one exception is where the campaign admin can choose to intervene and change your supplies by editing the DB. Until now I hadn't even thought about producing supplies directly on-map, maybe I will look at that feature!

The "All Live Targets" option has absolutely no effect on factory production or supply consumption. All this option does is place targetable dummy objects inside ALL industrial installations for ALL missions so that destruction events can be tracked without the need to pre-designate specific factories as GATTACK targets.
