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Aircraft Fuel Supplies

Posted: Mon 22 Oct 2007 11:10 am
by 102nd-HR-cmirko
from feature documentation
Aircraft Fuel Supplies
As mentioned earlier, aircraft will take fuel from airbase reserves (or off map reserves if the flights are based off map) according to the fuel load specified by the flight commander. If Enforce_Aircraft_Loadouts is OFF, human pilots may choose their own fuel load at hosting time. SEOW will capture the fuel load actually used by pilots and decrement the airbase reserves accordingly. Droptank loads are also detected. If your airbase runs out of fuel, the airbase tooltip header will turn white, and ALL flights at that base will be grounded until new supplies arrive, either by air or ground. Here is a picture of an airbase out of supply:
is there a way to destroy airbases "fuel supply" depot ? we tried bombing it (fuel tanks inside the perimeter of base - perfect hit) in last prokhorovka mission but no joy ?

Posted: Mon 22 Oct 2007 9:02 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
No, not really. Those little fuel tanks are just temporary fuel tanks for ease of use at parking aprons. In SEOW, we deem that the major fuel supplies at each airbase are held in underground or well camouflaged stores, so you can't strafe or bomb them. To destroy them, you would need to capture the airbase then send a demolition team to explode them.

It would be possible to add explicit fuel store targets to each airbase, but we haven't got around to that yet. I am not sure that it would help, since people never use enough flak to defend things properly (FPS killer) therefore it would be too easy to destroy airbase supplies.


Posted: Tue 23 Oct 2007 4:10 am
by 102nd-HR-cmirko
maybe its worth considering to add some kind of target to airbases which would at least diminish that fields capacity to field all their aircraft - :), lets say that after that target is destroyed in next mission you could only field 8 planes with full fuel load or 16 with 50% fuel :)

what do you think about something like that ?

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2007 6:01 am
by Ala13_Mdie
Well, if people could destroy the airfield fuel supplies, it will force the other side to think seriously in creating a few regular supply convoy lines to resupply a recently attacked airfield.

The cuestion should be in modify the Airbase_Layouts table to set a few fuel depots (size and number according to the maximum fuel capacity of each airbase) that will appear as new objects because the depots placed originally in the map are not targeteable, and implement a new function that could let that the airfield fuel reserves decrease proportionally to the number of depots destroyed untill a fixed limit (or at all) :wink: .

For example: If an airbase has 600,000 litres of fuel capacity, there will appear 2 big fuel depots and 4 small ones, representing only 1/2 (or 1/3) of the current capacity, so if all of them are destroyed, the airbase still has fuel enough for being active, but it makes that this airfield needs to be resuplied soon. It would represent that not all the fuel supplies are undergrounded, and it has some fuel depots in a 'fast use' situation.

If that base has not been resuplied at all, or it has been attacked a few times, it will become inactive because its own fuel consumption rate (or for the ones of the parked aircrafts).

It's only an idea. :wink:
