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Greetings and a few questions...

Posted: Mon 12 Nov 2007 12:52 pm
by Elwood
Hi Everybody and Greetings from Germany!

First of all - you may excuse my English, I'm seldomly writing in English.

I would like to thank you very much indeed for SEOW.
If you believe it or not, even ?Offliners for many years? like myself now getting attracted and enjoy being a Commander! 8)

In the ?Most Famous Forum? for the German speaking Community - I'm a Commander for the (How to say) independent Pilots or for the ?Pilots without a Squadron yet? and got the honour for planning the Bonnie Blue Side. :wink:

So far I flew four times online now. Three times in Tunis and one in Kursk now. Always as a gunner 'cause my flying skills would hurt my side more than the enemy! :lol:

Is it possible that the Allied in Tunis do have much more fighters than the Axis? At least I'm still struggling and fight with everything I have to offer...

Can you explain a few questions please? I haven't found any answers yet.

In the settings under: ?In Game Environmental Settings? there is the item: ?Captured Pilot Interrogation? What exactly is this and how does it works? My Admin flew for the Allied, was shoot down :twisted: and got captured.

I didn't know what do to with him. :oops:

After offering him huge amounts of beer and bratwurst ? he wasn't willing to give me an single answer to all my questions! I think he's used to that stuff.... :D

At this very moment I'm planning the next mission in Kursk or better were repeating the first battle.

I would like to produce more planes and tanks. How long does it takes to built a plane or a Tiger Tank for example? And which buildings do I have to destroy to eliminate the enemy production? All the buildings ? the big orange /yellow one, the small one, the Tanks??

And last but not least ? the KI Pilots are terrible. I lost more of my planes because of their stupid reactions and flying skills than through enemy human pilots! Of course - it's not your fault! :wink:

So, wish me luck and success - like I wish you S!

Bless you

Elwood :wink:

Posted: Tue 13 Nov 2007 1:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Servus Elwood!
In the settings under: ?In Game Environmental Settings? there is the item: ?Captured Pilot Interrogation? What exactly is this and how does it works?
This is all done automatically by SEOW. If a pilot is captured, a die is rolled to determine whether the pilot "Yields" or keeps his/her mouth shut. If the pilot yields, then another die roll is thrown to give the amount of recon the pilot gives to the enemy. Then ALL friendly units at the pilot's home base have their recon scores incremented by the interrogation recon amount. The net effect is that the enemy learns more about the pilot's home base.

Factory production rates are set by the DCS options. Any undestroyed factory that is "In production" will generate a certain number of factory points per mission, according to the DCS settings. Each factory keeps its own tally of points (points cannot be shared between factories). If the point tally exceeds the purchase cost of the object the factory is building, then the factory automatically "buys" the object and places it as a reinforcement at the nearest resupply point. E.g. if a factory is producing BMW motorcycles which cost 2 points each, and the factory production rate is 20 points per mission, then that factory will churn out 20/2=10 BMW motorcycles each mission.

On the bad AI: sometimes, good planning can minimize losses due to AI stupidity. Make sure your flights aren't hitting mountains on standard landing approach, etc.


Posted: Thu 15 Nov 2007 4:07 am
by Elwood
Hallo und Guten Morgen aus Deutschland IV/JG7_4Shades,

Thank you very much indeed for your answer and help!

About two days ago, my Admin changed the settings to a more difficult environment and we will start the map again on Friday. I just discovered that the human pilot can't change his fuel and ammunition by himself. At the first mission this setting was off. Very naughty thing to do! :lol:

Starting Bomber without ammo...

One more question to ask - if I may: This "Fog of War" setting - is it about the enemy army only or including my own forces as well - for 1 hour delay?

Thank you very much again!
(Vielen Dank)

Have a nice day
(W?nsche Dir / Euch einen sch?nen Tag)

Elwood :wink:

Posted: Thu 15 Nov 2007 9:59 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hallo Elwood,

"Fog Of War" affects knowledge of your own forces, as well as those of the enemy. It is fiendishly difficult to gather accurate knowledge under this option.

Note that Fog Of War is a separate feature to "Dynamic Reconnaissance". Essentially, Fog Of War delays updates to the recon levels and locations of many ground/sea units by one mission. This simulates the difficulty a regimental commander has in working out whether his units actually are going where he wanted them to go, in the age of absent or unreliable radio communications.
