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italy map - genova wont populate

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007 2:11 pm
by DD_Friar
I am having a problem populating genova airfield.
no matter what i try it does not seem to take the planes i have assigned.
just 2 flights. 1 of 4 and 1 of 1

have tried flushing and re initialize but still nothing

is this a bug, has any body else had the same problem?



Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007 2:26 pm
by BBloke
I tried a simple single flight at Genova for Blue and the same on another strip of A20's.

The Base for A20's populates but the blue base is empty.

The ObjMissionData table has both records for the planes

UPDATE: I check the genova airfield based around the napoli field flight and bearing in mind I didn't check the base types, my flight at napoli had co-ords relating to the landing co-ords.

Genova base landing co-ords didn't match that of the flight from that base.

I change the Genova airbase to:

Genova Field Italy 17 normal 23360.95 134084.11 28341.36 134624.16 n 510000

And the flight appeared. Sadly I couldn't get this simple template to make the base German, although the Napoli base was Red.


I checked my mission and the table and it appears the X/Y data in the ObjMissionData table has the last waypoint co-ords which are mid flight.

Not sure if thats relevant somewhere.


After some mad cap searching I have come to the conclusion that all is generally well with this map/base. Although I think the problem is the Type 17 base set out in the airbase_layout table.

The Genova base looks longer in length and the TAKEOFF and LANDING relative values are too short for that strip. The FMB co-ords are therefore too wide for the airbase to pickup that the flights should be associated to it.

Sorry for the long protractor explanation and working.. just been one of those days.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007 4:37 pm
by BBloke
Hi Shades,

I have been trying to think on what impact the following may have as to what I have done in the database tables.

1. amended the specified flights to the take off points as detailed in the FMB and further reduced the value by 300 so its within a tighter radius - This is so it can be listed at that airbase.

2. Amended the airbase layout, take off and landing according to details in the airbase layout PDF file.

3. Amended the Airbase - Genova Field take off and landing points by bringing them further into the center of hte field.

The mission has been initialised and everything is looking good. I think the first mission and mission plotting details should work fine but I'm worried and curious to see what happens on subsequent turns.

Any comments and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

S! DD_BBloke

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007 7:53 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Guys,

It looks like the QA/QC on Italy wasn't as good as it should have been. Sorry about that.

Now, on to Genova. I suspect that the coordinates for this base in the Airbases table are/were defective. I will check this out tonight and report back. There should be nothing special about Genova other than its coordinates, that is, the airbases code works perfectly well for hundreds of other bases.

Thanks for the report - we'll clear this one up fast.


Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2007 9:28 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Now I really am confused. I just set up a simple template:

Code: Select all

  MAP Italy_DF/load.ini
  TIME 12.0
  CloudType 0
  CloudHeight 1000.0
  army 1
  playerNum 0
  Planes 4
  Skill 1
  Class air.MC_200_3
  Fuel 100
  weapons default
  NORMFLY 25333.37 138513.06 500.00 300.00 &0
  LANDING 23360.95 134084.11 0 0 &0
and initialized. Genoa came out Blue immediately. Then I plotted the Macchis to take off and land, with 50% fuel. I built the mission and occupied aircraft #4. Sitting on the runway, I couldn't start my engine and neither could the AI. :shock: So I dropped out of the mission, edited it in FMB to substitute Bf-109F2 for the Macchis, ran the mission again and everything worked perfectly. All took off, circled and landed OK. I analyzed the mission and all was fine again.

So, for me, Genova works fine (but I didn't check the accuracy of the layout locations, so I am not denying that the runway may not suit the layout). Perhaps your control radius is too small?

Anyway, the Macchi's not starting certainly threw me. Can anyone else confirm that the MC_200_3 won't takeoff with 50% fuel?


Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2007 11:16 am
by BBloke
Thanks for taking the time to check this out Shades. I've been looking at it from a location point of view and moved all the flights closer to the centre.

Where is the control radius set from?

Thanks again.

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2007 7:52 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
DCS Territorial Control tab.

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2007 5:56 am
by BBloke
Thanks again Shades