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Freighter transporting and Moving

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2007 10:55 am
by DD_GreyKnight
~S~ all,

Would someone be able to answer a question of mine please? I've read the manual and the wiki, but I couldn't find an answer.

Q) If I load units in to a freighter, ship or aircraft, in one turn, can that freighter unit also move in the same turn? Or must I spend one turn to load units and then in the very next turn, the loaded up freighter can now move/fly?



Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2007 7:56 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi GK,

Your freighter is free to move immediately once loaded.

On the other hand there is a DCS option that covers disembarkation. The admin can optionally choose to apply a one-mission "disembarkation delay" before the unloaded units become active. This delay does not affect the freighter that is unloading the units. The idea of this is to simulate the chaos and confusion that results from unloading combat units before they can sort themselves out and take action.


Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2007 5:20 am
by DD_GreyKnight
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:
Your freighter is free to move immediately once loaded.

Thanks for the quick response, but it still confuses me. :oops:

So on the first turn of the SEOW campaign, I can task nearby units that are within loading range to enter the transport, but then when I plot a mission for this freighter to move, I choose the IMMEDIATE start time. So when the mission actually starts, say at 08:00, does the game sort of cheat and the units instantaneously teleport on to the transport and then the freighter will immediately start moving at 08:00.

Or would the units start moving towards the freighter, in order to board it. But then the freighter will start moving right on 08:00, leaving them behind?

Or... after thinking about you answer. Are you saying that even though I've plotted the freighter to move immediately, it won't move until all units are onboard?

Sorry for this, as I'm unable to test it myself.


Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2007 4:20 pm
by RTA_Oscarbob
Hi all.

Continuing on this subject.I have few questions that I didn't find the answer in the manual.

-Do I need a real harbor to load my units in a freighter ship ? Or can my units be loaded simply if they are on the beach with ships next to ?

-Can I make un drop of units with C47 or Ju52 (with 5 containers for example) ? If yes, even with tanks (I know it's not realistic ^^) ?

-What are the consequences of the partial destruction of containers of one plain during the drop (for example 2 containers destroyed on 5).

Thank you very much for building this wonderful system and for the answers !

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2007 6:17 pm
by DD_Friar
Greyknight, after running a test I can confirm the following for the system settings you are running.

08:00 Using the freight tab you can load a transport with vehicles within the vercininty (3000m) and then plot the transport as a mission all in 1 turn.
the transport will then traverse it route between 08:00 and 08:59
09:00 You can un-load the transport. you must position the vehicles within 3000 meters of the transport then you may create missions for those unloaded vehicles. they will then move away from the transport during that mission. 09:00 to 09:59

Just watch out for how close you get ships to the shore using the map. I had a cargo ship completely beeched! although i thought the final waypoint icon was at the coast, so give your self some room.