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No valid database connection

Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2007 6:31 pm
by AH_Rumely
I would like to thank you first of all, for all the hard work you have put into this project. We are planning on using this system at Aces High for online campaigns.

Have been able to install the SEDCS3.1 and have it find the data base that has been installed. The data base system that I'm using is Access, Access is installed on this machine machine. I have placed the data base ?SEDB31? in the web folder with READ,WRIGHT permission. ?Internet Guest Account? Security tab.

The web server that the system is running is Apache2 with PHP support the server will read PHP files.


AT this point the system seems to be installing with little or no problems. Placed the MP4 file on the server and point the browser to the from my other machine enter the password moved on to the Database Connection Definitions and edit the connection to reflect the Access DBS C:\webserver\puplic_html\DBS\.SEDB31.mdb file and save the connection tad at the bottom of the page.

At this point I will not be able resolve the connection issue
No valid database connection found for Ardennes - login aborted.

There is probably an easy solution to this problem I'm just missing it. On looking for the solution it seems the SEDCS.31 wants to find a SQL data base :?:

Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2007 6:46 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Rumely, welcome!

First, your DCS is an independent piece of software that can maintain many simultaneous connections to SE databases. It does not read the MP database configs to find out where to look, so you have to tell the DCS explicitly what DB to use. Inside the DCS you can define MySQL or MSAccess connections.

Second, as you say, your MP is not finding the SEDB31 DB file properly. Normally, for MSAccess files, this is easy. Make sure you have read and understand the contents of MP-Connection.php. In setting up an MSAccess connection, you only need to fill out the last field in the MP-Admin.php form. The other fields are for MySQL connections. You might want to turn on the $SHOW_DB_DEBUG_INFO variable in MP-Configuration.php to show a little more information on the problem. Check folder permissions all the way down from C:. Check your Windows security level.

Post back here with your results.


Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2007 9:57 pm
by AH_Rumely
I have been able to solve the problem with the DCS it will built a mission and I have hosted the mission with one plane only bf-109Z as stated ground movement only. I have hosted it and then analyzed it .I will read up on the mission parameters and setup to move forward with the DCS as I feel it is working correctly.

On to the MP setup with the Data Connection Definition page open I will set the first option DB Type access Host is empty Port is empty Login Name is empty Password is empty Database Name C:\webserver\puplic_html\DBS\SED31.mdb
Have enabled the $SHOW_DB_DEBUG_INFO and seen the results


As for the file permission I have check it all the way back to C: I have left my TextPad open and hit Save Connection Settings The TextPad will tell me to re-load the file has been changed by another program, as the file is changing by the command.

I found one line of code that I'm not sure how to complete

//This MUST be a web server virtual absolute pathname - it CANNOT be a Windows pathname

P.S. boy that red is hard to look at sorry,

Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2007 6:30 am
by Jager
I found one line of code that I'm not sure how to complete

//This MUST be a web server virtual absolute pathname - it CANNOT be a Windows pathname
You have to specify an address where the uniticons folder is located in the internet,if it's in the same web host server where Scorched Earth is running, example: ""

Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2007 7:15 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
This may be a complete red herring, but I notice in your DB path you have "puplic_html". Shouldn't this be "public_html" ?


Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2007 9:41 pm
by AH_Rumely
~S! Have the system up and running it was a "." just before the SEDB31 and yes there is a typo error :oops: for public you got me looking though.

Thank you for all your help! People like you make this game for what it is today and for tomorrow.