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Bug Reports: Manchuria Release

Posted: Sat 29 Dec 2007 6:52 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Please add your bug reports to this thread. To Start off with, it looks like I've made a mistake with default ships speeds, based on Kapt's report.


Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2007 2:41 am
by Kapt
Hello Shades got another one for you. Getting 2 errors when trying to view Full Mission Debrief.

Campaign Statistics

Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2007 6:25 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Kapt,

Man you are good at finding things! That line
C:\Program Files\Abyss Web Server\htdocs\MP4\Statistics\MP-MissionDetails.php on line 98
... refers to the first use of the recordset generated by the following SQL statement (conditional on whether you are using costs or not).

Code: Select all

if ($UseCosts) {
 	$query_RS_Destruction_Allied = "SELECT Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies AS DestroyedType, Object_Specifications.Object_Type AS DetailedType, Count(Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies) AS Destroyed, Max(Object_Costs.Purchase_Cost) AS Cost FROM ActionData, ObjMissionData, Object_Specifications, Object_Costs WHERE ActionData.Mission=ObjMissionData.Mission_Name And ActionData.Mission='".$Mission_Name."' AND ActionData.Obj1Group=ObjMissionData.Obj_Group_Name AND ObjMissionData.Obj_Nationality='r' AND ObjMissionData.Obj_Type=Object_Specifications.Object_Type AND Object_Specifications.Object_Type=Object_Costs.Object_Type AND (ActionData.Event='destroyed by' OR ActionData.Event='shot down by' OR ActionData.Event = 'captured by' OR ActionData.Event = 'sank' OR ActionData.Event = 'sunk' OR ActionData.Event = 'surrendered' OR ActionData.Event = 'deserted') GROUP BY Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies ORDER BY Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies;";
 else {
 	$query_RS_Destruction_Allied = "SELECT Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies AS DestroyedType, Count(Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies) AS Destroyed FROM ActionData, ObjMissionData, Object_Specifications WHERE ActionData.Mission=ObjMissionData.Mission_Name And ActionData.Mission='".$Mission_Name."' AND ActionData.Obj1Group=ObjMissionData.Obj_Group_Name AND ObjMissionData.Obj_Nationality='r' AND ObjMissionData.Obj_Type=Object_Specifications.Object_Type AND (ActionData.Event='destroyed by' OR ActionData.Event='shot down by' OR ActionData.Event = 'captured by' OR ActionData.Event = 'sank' OR ActionData.Event = 'sunk' OR ActionData.Event = 'surrendered' OR ActionData.Event = 'deserted') GROUP BY Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies ORDER BY Object_Specifications.Verbose_Names_Allies;";
This is basically working out a list of Allied losses for the given mission. I thought I had checked this enough, but obviously not! :oops: Does anyone else see an error here in the Stats engine?

Many thanks for the report Kapt!


Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2007 11:11 pm
by Kapt
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:Does anyone else see an error here in the Stats engine?
Anybody? It would be appreciated. :wink:

Posted: Sat 19 Jan 2008 12:15 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
Compare the Marianas MP management: ... efault.php ... efault.php

entre mairanas map (admin/password) and create a naval mission:
In the old version everything works well (speed = 60km/h);
In the new one speed = 54000 km/h

Posted: Sat 19 Jan 2008 12:25 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks Gross, you are right. This is already fixed in the Tubruq patch, see .


Posted: Sat 19 Jan 2008 4:28 pm
by 22GCT_Gross

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2008 6:21 am
by BBloke
Hi All,

I really hope I am posting this in the right place. I have attempted to amend a running campaign to use DCS 3.1.7 and the newer database.

I have so far done the following:
Updated my DCS.
Updated Campaign_Settings with missing fields and settings
Updated Object_Specifications
Successfully built the mission via DCS 3.1.7
Successfully analysed mission via DCS 3.1.7

We are using the Italy Map for our campaign and I received the following error whilst trying to access the map in District A, B and F as alliedranks: (District E is fully accessible as allied ranks. District F differs in that squares H8-M8 are only in F).

Line 306 Char 2661 Undetermined string constant Code 0 Italy_District_F.php
Line 375 Char 9 'SchedMission' is undefined Code 0 Italy_Disctrict_F.php
Line 31 Char 10 'NSchedMissions' is undefined Code 0 Italy_District_F.php
Line 381 Char 9 'TURequest' is undefined Code 0 Italy_District_F.php

I have reviewed the pilot recon reports and there appears to be no odd text in them.

I have also reviewed the scenario objectives, they appear clean too.

I have checked the descriptions of the units that I can see on the map and they appear clean. Although I was a little concerned about descriptions containing brackets.

I have a fresh installation of MP4 v4.405 which works. I have a copy of 405 (overwrote v4.373) which doesn't allow stats access.
Error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_string() in /seow_2/Statistics/stats_functions.php on line 267

I am currently trying a fresh install of the web interface onto our server to see if the above error clears.

Further testing has shown that logging into the map as Admin and viewing an error that was previously accessible has proved fruitless. I'm thinking there is something in the missions that maybe active on that sector that could be causing the problem.

Sorry for the full on post. I will post back with findings as they come up.

I have tested each Disctrict from each side and found the following.

Code: Select all

Allied District Axis
  N       A      N
  N       B      N
  Y       C      N
  Y       D      N
  Y       E      N
  N       F      N
  Y       G      N
  Y       H      N

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2008 8:08 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi BBloke,

Pilot Recon Reports are one possible cause of this error. The other, corrected in MP v4.396, are industrial targeting orders. What version of MP are you using?


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008 4:44 am
by BBloke
Hi Shades,

I'm using MP4.405. Downloaded from the latest files section in two parts. 4.389 and then the patch to 405.

I don't think we have anything relating to industrial units apart from them being on the map.

Thanks Shades,

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008 5:16 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Oh, of course, sorry.

First, the new Statistics engine requires PHP5. This is because the Statistics language support uses the "simple_xml" library which is only defined for PHP5. And I just realized that the Release Notes have not caught up to this fact yet! My apologies, everyone! :oops:

BBloke, can you please PM me a url to your MP (with passwords) or, better still, send me your DB?


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008 7:40 am
by BBloke
Thanks again Shades.

PHP5 would exlpain it. I have it on my home server but alas need to setup the live one to use PHP 5.

This would hinder the move to updating it all but I'm sure I can work around it.

I will email the DB over to you and PM you a development link to my server to keep things seperate.

Salute and thanks.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008 9:32 am
by BBloke
Just a little more detail.

If I log in as Admin for that sector and try to Manage the Campaign I get a blank (background colour as set) screen. with the following:

Line 1191
Char 4043
Unterminated string constant

The URL it throws up is:

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2008 4:12 am
by Ala13_Nachote
Hello :)

Our squad & friends are beginning a new campaign based in Moscow (summer/winter) map.
But we have a problem: when i upload the template and it is shown in the Seow Web mission builder, all the tanks, self propelled guns and AA trucks are heading at 90ยบ regardless how they are orientated in the template ( In the template, tanks, S.F guns and AA truks are moving).

The AA artillery and howitzers are OK.
This happen with 3.1.7 version and i have also tried the 3.1.6 version, but the result is the same.
Is a known issue? any way of fix this? we were planning begin this new campaign tomorrow.



Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2008 8:10 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Nachote,

Some clarification please. You say the affected units are moving in the template. That's OK, but do you let them reach their destinations in the first mission, or do you immediately scrub all "In Progress" missions as soon as you load the template?

I am pretty sure that if you immediately scrub those movements at template load, SEOW will does not store the initial unit headings as the unit orientation. Maybe it should, but it doesn't at the moment. In fact, I think it wouldn't even work if you let the unit proceed to the end of its waypoints, as the template file doesn't contain direct information on final unit bearings either.

So, Nachote, I think you have pointed something out that I hadn't thought of. Thank you, I will seek to fix this soon.
