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Problem with DCS

Posted: Sat 29 Dec 2007 11:16 pm
by tomtom
Hi, I am working on installing the DCS program and I installed the DCS on a windows server 2000 system. The program installed fine....well no errors, but I am not able to find the .ini file described to change the connection settings I want to use.....I have even done a search for the folder and also ini itself.

I also was wondering if it is possible to run the DCS program on a local server and then the MP and database on a webserver and have them remoteSQL each other?

Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2007 6:15 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Tomtom,

In principle, yes, the DCS, MP and MySQL DB can be on three separate hosts on the internet. I have tried this and it works, but is slow. For best performance, it is customary to have at least the MP and the DB on the same machine.
.ini file described to change the connection settings I want to use.....I have even done a search for the folder and also ini itself
Well, the DCS .ini file should be located in the DCS install folder in "Program Files\SEOW" I think. However, you should not need to edit this directly since the DCS contains a form where you can enter your DB connections. The DCS manages the .ini file for its own use.

Perhaps you are confusing the MP configuration page Scripts\MP-Admin.php with the DCS settings file?


Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2007 10:06 am
by tomtom
Thanks for the reply and clarifying that. Actually I got the idea from the how to install is the copied text:

DCS Installation

The DCS installation is self explanatory. Just download the .msi file, remove any previous DCS install on your PC, run the new .msi and it will

Prompt you to supply an installation location for the DCS;
Install the DCS program. Easy!
Please note that DCSv2 installs a "DCS.ini" file in your user "My Documents" folder, in a newly created "SEDCS" subfolder. Test show that the .msi installer does this correctly, but you never know... The DCS.ini file is used to store your preferences between DCS sessions. The DCS will not run correctly unless you have already installed the .NET Framework 1.1 and MyODBC v3.51.11 (see above). Anyone can install the DCS as a standalone application - you don't need FB+PF, the MP or the DB to use the DCS. The DCS will quite happily connect to a remote MySQL DB and build new SE missions or analyze a log file. This standalone installation is a "Remote SE Campaign Host" install.

Oh and I do have the mp and php on my web server and DCS on another. So I am glad to hear that it is possible to do that, I just have to get it squared away. Thansk for the help!

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2007 4:03 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, I see that text. However it is out of date! :oops:

That was for DCS2, not for DCS3. Have you checked out the SEOW Wiki?


Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2008 12:13 am
by tomtom
Thansk for the tip.....still having an issue, okay I have the DCS on my local server and MP and SEOW on a webserver (external server) for sake of conversation on the other side of the world. I can get the DCS to see the database on the webserver and does it checks and goes successful, so I goto my webserver and it is unable to connect to the database.....

I have installed the complete sql file so all campaigns are installed on the external server, my question is, does the mp-admin connection if I am understanding them correctly should technically be localhost because I have installed them locally on the external server?? or do I have to point the DCS to the local server of my machine?? I hope this sounds clear enough, I think I just confused myself haha.

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2008 6:51 am
by 102nd-HR-cmirko
mp-admin connection should point to localhost if you have both MP and mysql server (or access DB) on a single machine :)

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2008 7:17 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Cmirko is correct (as usual). The addresses you use to connect to the DB from the DCS and the MP depend on exactly where the DB is located.

For each of the MP and DCS separately, use "localhost" if the DB is on the same machine, otherwise use the proper IP number or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) if the DB is remote.


Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2008 11:06 pm
by tomtom
OK thanks for the help....came down to wrong password lol.......hate it when that never see it until you almost give up lol. Okay so here is another question.....I think I saw somewhere either on main SEOW site or wiki that you do not need to have il2 installed.....did I misread that or can it be done? Basically I want the program to provide everything to a host of my choice that can download it from where I specify?? I know there was a remote thing to connect which I have done, but is the other possible?

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2008 6:36 am
by 102nd-HR-cmirko
you do not need il2 installed on "server" machine - set DCS to create missions in a folder of your choice (anywhere on server from where you can download mission to your computer), be aware that you will need to upload mission log from hosting machine to server before you start analyzing finished mission (you need both mission file and log from hosting machine on server for analysis)
