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SEOW Analysis Error Message.

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2008 6:59 pm
by BBloke
Hi All,

I have run the last eventlog for our campaign on the Italy map and it has thrown the following up:

modUtilities.inTileCoord: no tile code for -1800

This whas during the Debrief mission performance / Updating industrial and urban status.

We have run 5 successful mission so far and this was thrown after the 6th mission.

Is this something we should be concerned with or can it just be ignored?

Thanks all,

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2008 7:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
That can safely be ignored, with no real effect on your campaign. That is a minor bug that has been removed in later versions of the DCS.


Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2008 7:27 pm
by BBloke
Thanks for the quick response.

Consider it ignored.