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Normal Movement Issues - Italy Map

Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2008 12:25 pm
by doubletap
Hello Gents, it's been a while.

I am the Allied commander on Frior's Italian campaign, and while the overall event is going great, I am having continuing trouble with the Normal Movement mode we are using.

As I understand it, with Normal Movement, the ground unit always follows the nearest road along it path, but it will leave the road to get to its final waypoint.

However, I am finding it very difficult if not impossible to get my units to go off-road when requested, even though I have tried several different ways.

Below I have included 3 different examples of moves I have attempted and what actually resulted to try and see if anyone has any ideas of what the issue may be.


The first example below, the two red tanks were traveling along the road coming from the east, and were ordered to go (Pink Line) from way point 3 to Waypoint 4.


Instead, the two tanks took the road north (blue line) and ended up far from their objective.


In the next example, the lower of the two objects with blue lines, I had ordered an Engineer unit in M3.6 to N4.1. As can be seen, my red plotting line followed the first bend of the road with waypoints before ending well off road.


As I understand Normal Movement, the Engineer should have moved along the light blue line path, getting as close to the final waypoint while still on road, and then leaving it to head north.

Instead, the unit ended up still on the road, just NE of Reggio Calebri (N3.8). Looking at the turn in FMB (after turning off blue units on with the filter), what the unit was ordered to do in FMB to travel along the road to the point where I expected it to do so, went beyond it, then doubled back along its path, and THEN head north. Of course, it never got there.


This actually contains two examples from previous turns.

In both, tanks units were ordered to end up where the pink arrows indicate.


However, as indicated by the blue and green arrows, they both ended up completely bypassing their final destinations and ended up far away from them.

If there is any other info you need, let me know. I know there are always some issues with map road layouts, so I hope this helps.

If there is anything you can think of I am doing wrong, please let me know.


Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2008 1:00 pm
by BS8th_Bulau
I'll follow this thread with great interest, doubletap, as we experienced similar problems on the Ostfriesland map. In our case, however, we were using the Relaxed mode of movement, which may have contributed to the problems. Still, even considering that, I was left scratching my head at some of the roundabout routes some forces ended up taking.

It seems that part of the problem may be the way the game handles movements, given a particular set of waypoints generated by SEOW. It might be useful, to experiment with laying out these same movements in the Full Mission Builder.

Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2008 9:07 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi guys,

This is worrying, of course. We all want tight ground movement, and it is confusing. I suspect that the Italy roads are not perfect yet - we need to revise the intersection data. However, there may also be an element of unfamiliarity on how the road plotting works.

In doubletap's second example, the northern Engineer unit is heading for the forest in N4. The destination point is closest to the kink in the road in N5, so under Normal mode, the Engineer would attempt to find a path to the kink in the east-west road in N5 directly north of the destination point, and THEN go due south to the destination. Now, to find the road route to the kink, the commander has given very little information on which roads to follow to get there. Personally, in this case, I would have issued waypoints along the road at Strapapiombi, Castrovillari and just west of Acri, to help the Engineer find its way.
