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Eventlog Parse Error

Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2007 6:30 pm
by Oscar
For 4Shades,

Currently, when parsing an eventlog you sometimes get an error that says "there are extra lines". THe mission does eventually parse.

What I found was that an eventlog was sent to me that had some truncated lines in them with data wrapping to the next line. In most cases, this was the "y" value of an "x-y" coordinate where an in-mission event ocurred. I have no idea what the impact this was on the DB. I was able to restore the previous version, correct the problem and re-parse the corrected event log.

Can you modify the "Analyze Mission" code and change this error routine to abort the "analyze" function and exit before updating the DB? I know this probably means running the eventlog through some kind of pre-process reader to see if the condition exists, but, it sure would prevent a bad problem, and save sometime trying to recover from it.

As always, Thanks,

Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2007 9:17 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, I can do that. Can you please send me an eventlog that displays the kind of line-wrapping you describe? I've never seen this so I need an example to work from.
