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Stats issiue++

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008 9:05 am
by _79_kk

First of all i like to say hi to all, and that we in the 79vRAF love this program :)

We have been having some great campains with RCAF and now we are trying to sett upp our own server.

Got some isiues i just cant figure out.

1. got the: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_string() in W:\www\ScorchedEarth\MP4\Statistics\stats_functions.php on line 267

When trying to look at the stats page, and stil have that after instaling Php5.

2. im running the "jsas 1.10" server program, but also have Apache 2.2, and like to ues that insted, but just cant figure out where to put the mp4 files, or configure there a settup guide somwhere ?

3. also getting this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function Close() on a non-object in C:

same error like in this post:
Commander Allied Headquarters, please wait. We are gathering the latest intelligence from Allied HQ ...
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\MP4\Scripts\MP-SQL.php on line 518

Fatal error: Call to a member function Close() on a non-object in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\MP4\Scripts\MP-SQL.php on line 524
I know its somthing to do with the databace , but not sure what to do...

anny help would be great as im a noob, at ... efault.php

all the latest files.
win xp pro 32

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008 9:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi kk,


1. I viewed your MP at your site, and noticed at the bottom of the page that your MP is still using PHP v4.4.4. That is the cause of the stats issue - you need PHP 5.x.

2. I am not familiar with JSAS. Apache is very well documented at the Apache web site, but it is not the easiest server to configure. Installation of the MP with Apache is the same as for any web server. Just get PHP going and copy the MP files into the web root folder for the server. Have you seen the SEOWiki at ? There is some useful information there.

3. Perhaps your DB version doesn't match your MP version. It is always a good idea to quote your software versions explicitly when posting for help here. I can't check out what line 518 of MP-SQL.php is just now. WIll look tonight.


Posted: Tue 25 Mar 2008 2:12 pm
by _79_kk

Jsas is running the Apache 2 ....But i dont think Jsas is not suporting Php5 :(

i oppdated to php 5 and this is what


Posted: Tue 25 Mar 2008 3:28 pm
by _79_kk
^S^ alitle futher...i instaled Php5 uesing Apache CGI, and now Jsas is running as normal....all the Php5 files are in the right place, but there are still some Php 4 files in there...AND the mission planer is still running Php4 :?:

Tryed deliting the old php4 files , but that just %&ยค#&% upp the program. there a "setting" somewhere i need to change to get it to runn Php5 ?

Posted: Tue 25 Mar 2008 7:09 pm
by _79_kk

Ok...i giving upp on Jsas...and now tying Apache 2,2 on my vista pc....and so far so good....

Now i need som info on how to sett upp Apache 2,2

I now have it running with the MP4 files in the "htdocs" folder . (hope this is correct)

I have conection on : http://localhost/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/MP-Admin.php

and all seems to be working....and the stats :)

Running : SEOW Mission Planner v4.405 and Apache/2.2.8 (Win32) PHP/5.2.5}

now reading this:
You now need to add the Host Address, Host Name, Login Name and Password, so that the Mission Planner can automatically access the SEOW database.

This is done by typing in the following URL into your web browser http://localhost/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/MP-Admin.php, assuming that you used the default path and substituting your Web Server address for the localhost. Make sure that your MP4/Scripts/MP-Connections.php file is writeable. You can edit this file directly if you wish (using a text editor), but MP-Admin.php actually manages the database connections details directly.
What is my Web Server address ??
I tryed uesing the server ip and the ip with the port (85) but i dont work...
anny sugestions ?

Posted: Tue 25 Mar 2008 8:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi KK,

You only need that data if you are using MySQL databases. From looking at your MP yesterday it seemed that you were using an MSAccess database, and it was working OK.

In general for MySQL DB, if the web server is on the same machine as the MySQL server, the hostname you should use is "localhost". But, as I said, you are using MSAccess DB, so you don't need to worry about that.


Posted: Tue 25 Mar 2008 8:30 pm
by _79_kk

ok...what i need now is how to conect from "exstenal" uesing an MSAccess database

like i sayed it works uesing "http://localhost/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/default.php"

i thought i needed to put in " is the server ip, but that is not working

What do a need to put in ?, and is there annything i need to edit in anny files ?

Posted: Wed 26 Mar 2008 12:50 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi KK,

You want to have external people connect to your MP using their browsers, right? And all you know at the moment is that "http://localhost/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/default.php" works for you.

OK, that tells me one thing. That is your MP is being accessed through a web server on port 80 (the default port for http services). If it was running on port 85, you would need to use a local address like "http://localhost:85/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/default.php".

Now, how to let external people use your MP. As you say, they need to know the IP number of your server. You supply it already "". Note that there is no ":85" at the end. They don't need to specify the port number if your web server is using the default port.

The final step is to ensure that your firewalls allow traffic from the internet through to your web server. Typically, you might have a firewall built into your DSL modem, plus a firewall on your PC (e.g. ZoneAlarm, XP Firewall etc). You need to make sure that traffic on port 80 is let through to your PC, configuring all firewalls you have in place, so that external people can see your MP. Once that is done, everything should work. The MP is designed to be used by people located anywhere on the internet, and it works well. Your problem now is most likely to be revolving around your PC network configuration (routing, port forwarding etc).


Posted: Wed 26 Mar 2008 2:43 am
by _79_kk

thanks :) and now im getting somwhere :)

The truble was the port nr, so now its working: ... efault.php

hope and think its now working :)

Thanks VERY mutch for the help !!

Posted: Wed 26 Mar 2008 12:55 pm
by _79_kk

Found a bug (i think), that has been there on all the maps and templates i tryed.

If i try to create a naval tasforce i get this err:
Commander Allied Headquarters, please wait. We are gathering the latest intelligence from Allied HQ ...
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\ScorchedEarth\MP4\Scripts\MP-SQL.php on line 629

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\ScorchedEarth\MP4\Scripts\MP-SQL.php on line 630

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\ScorchedEarth\MP4\Scripts\MP-SQL.php on line 630

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\ScorchedEarth\MP4\Scripts\MP-SQL.php on line 637

Fatal error: Call to a member function MoveNext() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\ScorchedEarth\MP4\Scripts\MP-SQL.php on line 638

Anny ideas ?

Posted: Wed 26 Mar 2008 7:33 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks for the report - I will check the naval task force code.


Posted: Thu 27 Mar 2008 6:17 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi KK,

I have checked the naval task force code with a small group of Yukikaze Class destroyers, and all seems OK for me.

To help me try to reproduce your problem, please post details of the exact ship types that you are trying to combine into a task force, how many, etc.


Posted: Thu 27 Mar 2008 11:56 am
by _79_kk

Had it first on a self made template (italy) with:

HMS Duke of York
HMS King George
USS Ward
Dry Cargo Ship x 3

I can move all the ships, but as soon as i make a task force i get the error, and it do not mather if its with 2 or 6 ships.

2`nd tamplate was the "StarofAfrica" on the Cyrenaica map with :

MO-4 Class mtb
Landing craft VP x 6

same errors and in the same lines = MP-SQL.php on line 629 + 630 + 637 + 638

Posted: Thu 27 Mar 2008 9:11 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hmm, did you call the task forces anything special, or did you just go with the default names "Alpha", "Bravo" etc?


Posted: Thu 27 Mar 2008 9:22 pm
by _79_kk

Default "alpha"

If it helps i can give you the password on the "italy" campain as its only running as a test....its mabie easier.

Only thing is that after it "crashes" i have to "flush" the BD to get the MP running on that campain again.

think its strange as all the other stuff is working without anny errors at all , and we allrdy runn a cuple of missions, and its working perfect....
Can create land TF (tanks/truks etz) and they work as they should.....just not naval...