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New Kiev project

Posted: Wed 09 Apr 2008 2:18 am
Hello to all

=69.GIAP= squadron has started the project of the new Kiev map for to be added to SEOW.

To avoid repeat work and advance as fast as possible, we would like to know if someone has already done part of this map.

All datas will be accepted.


Posted: Thu 10 Apr 2008 8:33 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
That's great news Pavel. Best wishes to all at 69.GIAP who are putting this together.

By the way, I told Warg, Brandle and Hawk_5 about this last night. We were all interested to see whether our PCs could handle the Kiev map, so we adjusted the LaGG3-RD single mission in the game to make a coop and we flew it together. That mission file had 17000 (!!!) destruction tile codes specified, plus 2000 scenery objects (trees, fences etc). There were lots of moving vehicle columns and tanks, with flak and approximately 20+ aircraft in the air, and heaps of smoke and fire.

We flew the mission in scattered cloud, and I think we all had smooth game performance. For some reason I thought that Kiev might be a FPS hog, but we were pleasnatly surprised last night. SEOW should work OK on that map, once all the support is added.


multiple runways

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008 12:06 pm
The only issue I encountered doing the airports for the Kiev map was multiple runways. I checked the Kurland map and found that when multiple runways are present, only one is defined for takeoff and landing, so I did the same. The possible problem is that if there are two runways I have a 50-50 chance of picking the wrong one. If things are to line up properly, I need to pick the same runway as was picked by the person who defined the default layout. Otherwise the runway lights, parking places, etc will be in the wrong place.

I did not see any mention of this issue in any of the published airbase descriptions. It seems to me that the "active runway" should be noted in instances of multiple runways to help us avoid these errors. Or if they are already indicated somehow, this should be highlighted in the text and mentioned in the airfield capture instructions because I missed it! :-)

In any case, I'm willing to bet this is the explanation behind my observation that runway lights do not line up with the runways on certain airbases on some maps. I've only noted this on airbases with multiple runways.

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008 2:14 pm
Found two anomalies while working on railroad waypoints for the Kiev map.

The first is a missing waypoint that causes a 400 meter gap along the river near the SW edge of Ovruch in AD18/6. Actually it isn't even a missing waypoint, since those seem to be spaced 400 meters apart... it is more like a "forbidden zone" for trains. FMB can not bridge this gap.

If trains were working in SEOW, might it be possible to bridge this gap by fusing the two routes that meet at this gap into a single route?

Not that there is much point because this same train line has a more serious problem a bit farther along.

The second anomaly is a bridge East of Ovruch in AG18/8 that is in line with the railroad on either side but, when examined closely, is seen not be be a railroad bridge at all, but a road bridge, and short stretches of railroad have become dirt roads at the ends of this bridge. This seems to be a more serious bug in the Kiev map. I can't think of any way around this one other than to perhaps declare it permanently destroyed. :-)

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008 8:54 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Tushka,

These kinds of rail and bridge errors occur on most IL-2 maps, sadly. Hopefully we can find a work-around, as you say.

As far as airbases/runways go, we just need to make sure that the takeoff and landing coordinates match the layout we use (or just define a new layout). I know there are still a couple of mismatches on the Ostfriesland map as well.


Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008 8:26 pm
by Goanna
Hi all,
I have most of the Kiev sector complete (I called mine Ukraine), I have moved house/towns recently and computers at home have broken (power surge fried all 3) so at the moment I am using the local libray computer for my internet browsing, so consequently till I get them fixed my SE work is halted.



Posted: Mon 21 Apr 2008 2:14 am
Thank you Goanna

Sorry for your tech problems.

We are near to finish, still Fuel Depots, and Bridges to finish.
If you can send me to my emial i will add it, and send it to 4shades for first release.


Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008 7:49 pm
by Goanna
Hi Pavel,
Bad news is that the report from the computer shop is that the server that I had all the information on is "kaput" and no data recoverable. I had some data on my computer and am still waiting to see if any data is recoverable, if so I will send to you, I should know by the end of the week.


Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008 9:10 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Commiserations, Goanna! :(

Posted: Sat 26 Apr 2008 1:48 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
On the railway problems I have found a number of breaks in the railway lines in the Balaton map (Transdanubia). They were either missing sections of track or no go areas where an intersection was too close to a bridge etc.

In testing I could not get a train to cross a gap in any way so it appears to be unfixable so SEOW.

I created a small colour graphic where the railway line is broken on the MP map so mission planners will be able to see where the trains will come to a stop so alternative routes can be found if needed. The map has a lot of railway lines so there are other routes in most cases. If anything the gaps/breaks can considered damaged railway line for the duration of the campaigns being fought on the map.

Hawk 5