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Aircraft that are not listed and Oslo map

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008 1:28 pm
by Grifo_rott
Hi guys,

Got the server up and running thanks to the help of 4_Shades :D Thanks again mate.

Now here is my question: we are running a 1940 Ardennes campaign and I noticed we do not have the Hurricane I and the MS-410 available as reinforcements. Is there a way I can add them?

Also, can anyone tell me which map is used for the Oslo sector? I am trying to create a template but I can't figure out which map to use :(

Thanks in advance!

P.S.: We could use some extra pilots to fly missions with or against us :) We are trying to start to fly almost daily around 9PM Eastern US Time. If anyone is interested, please PM me :)

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008 9:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Rott,

By default those aircraft are Axis type, I seem to remember. You can change their default nationality by editing the Object_Specifications table and changing their nation to "r" (for Allied only) or to "n" (both Allied and Axis).

The Oslo sector is one of the Online maps, I think. Will confirm later.


Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008 12:32 pm
by Grifo_rott
I have added a few French squadrons to the Ardennes sector (for the France 1940 campaign) but I am not sure how the MP will understand them. I got their names from this page:

It seems it is interpreting them as being Russian units because when I assign it to a "Escadrille" it shows Esk.1, Zv. 1 instead of Esc.1, Gr.1 - is there any way I can force it to read as a French unit? There is the "AAF" which seem to be recognized as a French unit but that one is not even in the list of units in the database so I am not sure where it comes from :D If I knew I could copy the settings.

This is how I set the new French squads in the DB (Airforce_Units table):
Country: France
Unit_Name: G.C. I/1
Squadron_Type: PFI
Alignment: Allied
Country_ID: fr
Campaign_Sector: Ardennes

Do I need to change anything?

Also, I was wondering if there is a way to change some already assigned units to the French squadron. Change their name directly in the database perhaps? I can't find which table though :(

I apologize for posting so many questions. I still haven't figured which one is the Oslo map :oops: Thank you so much for your support 4Shades! :D

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008 2:09 pm
by esmiol
it is possible to add squadron???? i think only squadron in the game could be use no?

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008 3:24 pm
by Grifo_rott
I am not sure, that's why I am trying :)

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008 9:26 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi guys,

IL-2 only has a hard-coded list of about 1000 air regiments. These cannot be changed or deleted or added.

The SEOW MP will happily interpret any regiments added to the Airforce_Units table in the DB, and will try to think up a good name for the expanded squadrons/flights etc. But when you build a mission and try to host it in IL-2, the game will crash when it sees any unrecognized air regiments. So there is NO POINT in trying to customize air regiments names. That is a limitation imposed by IL-2, not SEOW.

On the other hand, since IL-2 does not assign names to ground forces, you CAN customize Army_Unit names in SEOW without affecting game performance.


Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008 5:26 am
by esmiol
it is what i thought.... but i never think about ground unit :)

thanks shades :) like usually you are our light in the dark :P

Posted: Wed 21 May 2008 8:19 pm
Oslo uses the Net3summer map which is Online3 in FMB.

Posted: Wed 21 May 2008 10:35 pm
by Grifo_rott
JAGD_RC wrote:Oslo uses the Net3summer map which is Online3 in FMB.
Thanks mate! :D