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MP installation

Posted: Wed 28 May 2008 4:17 pm
by =JFC=Tom
I'm trying to set up a SEOW for JFC to try

I have set up a free account on (it supports php) and uploaded the most recent MP4 files using FileZilla
We do have our own website that I may be able to get some space on, but for the time being I'll be using this
I created a mySQL database on the website (am I supposed to do that?) with the appropriate privileges, but when I try to connect to it from the SEOW DCS it 'thinks' about it for 30 seconds or so (testing mySQL/ADL at bottom of screen) and then tells me that the:
"Database operations failed!"
Description : [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Cant' connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)
After about 20 seconds frozen it pops up with the same message again

The files I have uploaded on the server are as follows
And when I launch "/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/MP-Admin.php" the page loads up, I enter the default password, it takes me to the Database Connection Definitions page, where I have the database type etc.
Here I enter the host & login name etc, click save settings at the bottom, then if I click either 'Return to Mission Planner' or 'Back to Scorched Earth Campaign Sectors' I get the same page come up:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /www/ on line 26

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /www/ on line 27

Fatal error: Call to a member function Close() on a non-object in /www/ on line 34

Have I got the wrong file structure on the server?
Am I doing/interpreting how this is supposed to be done, completely wrong?
If so, can someone please correct me

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Thu 29 May 2008 9:13 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Tom,

Have you actually loaded your MySQL database with information? There are some MySQL concepts that you need to be familiar with. You can create and delete MySQL databases easily enough, but that doesn't populate them with any information. The SEOW database consists of a set of populated tables that must be created INSIDE your MySQL database.

Once this is done successfully, you need to arrange the MySQL server login account permissions so that you can use the SEDCS application on your dekstop to connect to your MySQL database on your ISP host. If that connects successfully, then you should be in a position to get the MP working pretty quickly.


Posted: Fri 30 May 2008 6:41 am
by =JFC=Tom
Thanks - I didn't realise that
So, how exactly do I do it?
I'm using another hosting site now which seems to get nearer to connecting the SEDCS and database, now it just comes up with the error:
reading initial communication packet system error: 2
or something along those lines
Anyway, B16Enk has been very helpful about his all-in-one installer and helped me to get that set up. However - I am running on a network with a router, how exactly can people access my computer externally? If they enter my IP they get a password entry page for my router, and if they enter 'myIP/' (this computer) then they still get a 404 error
I have modified the correct connections file accordingly to allow external access, as B16Enk instructed

I'm trying both methods of setting up SEOW in the hope that I have twice as much chance of succeeding with one of them

Thanks again

Posted: Fri 30 May 2008 9:44 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Tom,

SEOW is a professional strength three-tier software solution. It needs a range of existing software and networking infrastructure, including a PHP enabled web server, a database platform and network connectivity. See the SEOWiki for more information. Once this stuff is sorted out SEOW works pretty reliably, but to install SEOW you need to be comfortable with all these concepts and technologies.

From the kinds of questions you are asking, it seems that you are at the steepest part of the learning curve. For instance, based on your questions about routers and external connections, I gather that you are not familiar with hosting multiplayer coops from your computer. I recommend that you get IL-2 hosting working with Hyperlobby (or similar) before even thinking about SEOW, because once you get SEOW working you will be hosting coops regularly.

So, as a first step, you need to read the SEOWiki to understand how it all fits together. Some of the information at SEOWiki is out of date, but once you have got to grips with it, answers to all your questions can be supplied here.


Posted: Sat 31 May 2008 2:19 pm
by =JFC=Tom
Oh no, I'm fine with hosting, I've been hosting training servers for some time now with JFC
Thanks again, I have the all-in-one installation working now
The problem I had was that I had forwarded a port on the router, and was trying to access the server by entering myIP:80
80 being the port I had allocated
However - I didn't realise that you couldn't access the server like this for the same reason that you can't phone yourself (I could access it by entering localhost/...)
So I actually had the all-in-one installation working for a long time without knowing it

Next I'll try and get the external server method working, I've been quite pushed for time over the past fortnight
Thanks for the support anyway, it's encouraging to know that other people are willing to help you get started
I'll try and get the guys at JFC to give it a shot with the all-in-one

Posted: Sat 31 May 2008 9:25 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades