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Levels for DCS...

Posted: Thu 04 Sep 2008 8:23 am
by Katana
Hi Everyone,

I'm working on DCS :
- for run it with command line (done)
- for use it like on line Web server! (in progress)
If there are somethings to be changed, it's now to do them.

I have idea which could simplify settings of DCS and the game generally:
- 3 levels which have some default parameters (users can't change them) :
1) Beginners (Lieutenant or Captain)
2) medium (Major or Colonnel)
3) Advanced (Lieutenant general)
- 1 level allowing to set all parameters... like actual DCS.
4) Expert (General of the Army)

Following questions are :
A) What do you think about that?
B) What parameters for each level?


Posted: Thu 04 Sep 2008 9:33 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Nice idea. My initial suggestions are:

Dynamic Recon off, Supply off, CGM Simple, Use Costs on, Enforce Loadouts off, Truncate Sea and Ground on, Factory Production off, Auto Bridge Repair on.

Dynamic Recon on, Supply off, CGM Relaxed, Use Costs on, Enforce Loadouts off, Truncate Sea and Ground on, Factory Production on, Auto Bridge Repair on.

Dynamic Recon on, Supply on, CGM Normal, Use Costs on, Enforce Loadouts on, Truncate Sea and Ground on, Factory Production on, Engineer Bridge Repair.


Posted: Fri 05 Sep 2008 6:45 pm
by Darkcrest
Will all the functions still be optional? I like how we can customize the difficulty. Also, for CoOp purposes, I like being able to give one side a bit more of an edge. More Recon, more fuel, ETC.

I like the idea of a "default" switch, like the options in IL-2's difficulty settings, just still want to be able to toggle those functions I still want or don't want. (I perfer keeping the loadout's to be the choice of the Flight Leaders.)

Posted: Fri 05 Sep 2008 9:07 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi DarkCrest,

You mean like the Beginner button setting values, but you still being able to change them, i.e. the Beginner button sets (but does not lock) the values.

That is a good idea.


Posted: Sat 06 Sep 2008 7:29 pm
by Darkcrest
Yeah pretty much exactly what I was talking about.

I wouldn't want to be locked in something that I will either loose on the next level, or not enable at the begining. For example the Recon, we like having the Recon Reports diminish over time from mission to mission.

Heck, once we are going full tilt, I can concievably see a time where the Recon will decay as fast as we get it. Just to make things even more fun for our mission planners.

Also, I like the ideas you are trying to install in SEOW. Scalable Command setup sounds like the ticket to get more than one Commander at a time to have fun.

(I had been in one Squadron that tried to setup a General to head the entire campaign, an Admiral to handle naval operations, a Colonel to handle Army Operations, and a Flight Marshall to handle all Air Craft operations. Oh, almost forgot the Quarter Master to handle supply and other infrastructure. Had a few stepped on toes, but it could be done.)

I wish I was a Tech Guru- Programing Monkey to help you guys on this, but all I can really do is cheer from the side lines!

Great work!