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Just a little something to help out others. . .

Posted: Wed 17 Sep 2008 2:11 pm
by Darkcrest
*S* All,

Just wanted to drop this link off to help those who might be negotiating with another Squadron about a possible head-to-head campaign. I call it the "SEOW Squadron Negotiator Assistant." It's just a MSWord Document that I typed up that allows each Squadron to look at and view the options for the SEDCS and for IL-2 Difficulty Settings.

Something to make it easier and quicker to reach an agreement with each Squadron to ensure each side is happy with the settings before the Campaign starts. Also included is the Mission Scope Settings which can be changed mission to mission, as well as, IL-2's Difficulty Settings.

IL-2's Difficulty Settings were included, since not every squadron uses the same settings. Some use Full Switch, some don't. Some like "Wonder Woman Mode," most, however, don't. I thought it was important enough to include them in the assistant.

So without further ado, here is the link to download the Assistant: ... istant.doc

That will automatically start the download right from the back end of my business site. It's a small DL. I hope everyone finds this as helpful as I intended it to be.


Posted: Thu 18 Sep 2008 9:07 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi DC,

You know, that is a great idea. Basically, I have found, over and over again, that squads don't think campaign styles through before they start them. Then they find problems halfway through a campaign and rely on someone else to resolve the issues for them fairly: arguments result! I think that the squad who approached this matter in the most comprehensive way in the past was III/JG11.

So this kind of document places all the things they need to discuss clearly in black and white. It also means that people are forced to think about SEOW campaign features they might not have known to exist!


Posted: Fri 19 Sep 2008 8:45 am
by eaf92_brigstock
Good idea,

Might be better to have it as a .doc rather than than a .docx though.

Posted: Sat 20 Sep 2008 12:16 pm
by Darkcrest
Well, if you can change it and send it back, I'll host it on that same link.

Hopefully, I will have the VBF up and ready to start taking on another Squadron, which is the real reason I did this. Give us something concrete to fall back on. I should have added a section for "House Rules" a place for things like, "External Views are allowed, but under gentlemen's agreement neither side will look at the other side while in game."

That way every possiblity COULD be covered. LOL.

Thanks for the great feedback. Just what I could contribute to the SEOW cause!

Little Change on the N. A.

Posted: Sat 04 Oct 2008 12:54 pm
by Darkcrest
Well, I just recently left the VBF-12 and have helped to form a whole new Squadron based on the VMF-124 Deathheads.

Our website can be found here:

However, I have changed the preamble to reflect the change, and I have saved it as a .doc instead of a .docx.

I hope this helps.


Posted: Sat 04 Oct 2008 9:09 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi DC,

Best of luck with your new squadron!
