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recover destroyed unit´s etc. question

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009 7:44 am
by E69_vencejo
Sorry by my bad inglish.
It´s possible to recover (do them operative) part of infrastructures (factories) and ground´objects destroyed in the last mission flown, so that they are available in the following mission?

¿It´s possible to declare like destroyed airplanes that were not destroyed in the last mission?

Somebody could explain it of a way for a newbie newbie?

Thanks for your attention

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009 9:18 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Vencejo,


If I understood correctly, you asked 2 questions:

1. Can destroyed units and installations be recovered after the mission?

2. Can functioning units be declared destroyed after the mission?

The answer to both questions is "yes", but only by careful editing of the database.

1. The ObjMissionData entry of the unit in question (for the latest mission) needs to have its Quantity field changed from 0 to whatever strength is required. For installations, the factory or fuel dump needs to have its status changed to Operational. If you are interested in accurate statistics, you need to delete corresponding destruction records from ActionData table.

2. Do the reverse of 1. Set Quantity=0 in ObjMissionData, or set Status=Destroyed and set the Event_Date in Industrial_Installations, add destruction events to ActionData.

The above answers give you the general idea, but not all the details (e.g. Production point handling for installations etc). Basically, editing the DB during the campaign is not recommended.


Posted: Sat 17 Jan 2009 8:50 pm
by E69_vencejo
Ok, thanks very match for answer 4Shades.

I´ll make a database backup and i´ll try.