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Aircrafts on both sides

Posted: Mon 09 Feb 2009 9:35 pm
by PA-Dore
Look at the end of our last Kursk mission (12H00): Mission_detail

During this mission, reds captured an airbase (Yatseno F6). At the end of this mission 4 blue pilots landed on this airbase, so, like indicated in statistics, reds captured these 4 planes.

My problem:
- 3 x Bf109G2 and 1 x FW-190A-5 are captured by red side but reds can't select them for orders. Blue side can select them for orders. For red side you see "Supply 1 Hour" but we have "Enable Aircraft Refit Delays OFF in Campaign Modes and "Enable Aircraft Capture at Overrun Airbases" ON.
- Yatseno Field appears "In Dispute" in admin and blue view but "red airbase" for red view.

In another campaign I had this problem, I delete the 4 aircrafts on the wrong side (blue) but here I can't do it because these planes are not AI (4 human pilots)

When I had uploaded eventlog, a error message had appeared for this (13_JG52 Slovakian13 and 3_ZG26_21...)

I think I'll keep it like this without modify anything and ask to blue side not to orders these aitcrafts?


Posted: Tue 10 Feb 2009 12:11 am
I have a related question. We recently captured an airbase with two opponent aircraft. What do I need to edit in the database to permit those captured aircraft to be usable for the captors?

Posted: Tue 10 Feb 2009 4:29 am
by PA-Dore
1) If in the last mission, these aircrafts were AI, there's an easy way:
In ObjMissionData table, find (with seach filter Mission_Name and Obj_Type) these aircrafts: You'll find them and you'll see they are on both side. Delete the wrong side. Now you'll see in map, aircrafts usable for the captors.

2) If these aircrafts were human in the last mission, like in my example, I don't know if there is a way to get it. Don't delete the wrong side aircraft: Human pilots will desappear (no aircraft) and error message in statistics.

Posted: Tue 10 Feb 2009 3:04 pm
Thanks, Dore,

I do not see these aircraft in ObjMissionData, and I think they were stationary while being refueled after being used in the previous mission... so neither AI nor human... but a third case. :-)

Posted: Fri 13 Feb 2009 6:47 pm
by PA-Dore
Shades, would you please post some instructions concerning "Allow Take-Offs Under Enemy Fire" in DCS settings?
Does it mean that aircrafts on a captured airbase can take off in the next mission? That would explain my first question above.
Thank you in advance!

Posted: Fri 13 Feb 2009 9:27 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi guys,

If aircraft capture is enabled, then as soon as an airbase changes control (is captured) then all aircraft will be assigned the nationality of the capturing side. The DCS does this by finding some unused flights in the capturing side's airforce, and then assigning the captured aircraft to those flights. Captured aircraft need to re-arm before they can be used. If the "capture" option is not selected, all captured aircraft will immediately be destroyed when the airbase falls. Hopefully this feature is working properly. :?

The "Allow takeoffs under enemy fire" option allows flights to takeoff from an airbase even if enemy units are within the control radius, i.e. the airbase is In Dispute. This happened often in WW2, notably Milne Bay where Japanese marines had manned machine guns on one side of the runway, and Australian troops were opposing on the other side of the runway. P-40s were taking off and landing in between! Turning off this option cancels all flights from In Dispute bases.

For Dore: check out the Nationality fields for the aircraft in question (ObjMissionData table). If you see, for the latest hosted mission, two records for the aircraft at identical locations at Yatseno, but with "r" and "g" nationalities, just delete the "g" record. Not sure why you got the Analyze error.


Posted: Sat 14 Feb 2009 4:21 am
by PA-Dore
Thanks again Shades for your answer, how many posts did you wrote to learn SEOW's science to bad students as us ;-)

As you see in my example, perhaps all's right, I explain:
- My DCS settings "aircraft capture is enabled" and "Allow takeoffs under enemy fire" are ON.
- So, I understand that 4 aircrafts appears in both sides, in blue side they can "takeoffs under enemy fire" in the next mission, in red side they have to wait one hour before to be really captured and used.
- It's not possible to delete one side (g) because these aircrafts were used by human pilots, so if I delete them, human pilots disappear in this mission and I get Statistic error: PilotMissionData is linked with ObjMissionData (ObjectType and ObjGroup). In another campaign, I had the same event but with IA aircrafts and I deleted them without problem.
- If I had set "takeoffs under enemy fire" OFF and "aircraft capture is enabled" ON, I suppose aircrafts immediatly become reds (or are destroyed?) and disappear on blue side?


Posted: Sat 14 Feb 2009 2:38 pm
Thanks 4Shades, I now understand what happened. There were not just two Stukas on that field, but four. However, when the field was captured, only two of the Stukas were captured. SEOW renamed them which is why I couldn't find them. The other two were not captured for unknown reasons, causing the status of the airfield to be disputed.