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Posted: Fri 27 Feb 2009 8:59 pm
by moxy
Hi guys
yea another newbe venturing into new territory.
I started with abyss,put in php, put in the mp4, typed and there it was,
I had an ardenes, DB error on access , fine, next step.
But I was in, so Im going sql, hence XAMPP, all in one, info at my finger tips.
With APACHE alone, or XAMPP/Apache, type, type, type,no dice.(server is up)
Ok config server?, I feel Im there, reading, reading, reading, head spinning,
spinning, spinning.
Could someone, give me that first step, that first syntax, that first config line? an example, a screen shot, anything to get to the next step.
I would SEOW much appreciate it.
With many thanx

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009 12:15 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Moxy,


Have you read the SEOWiki installation pages?

Next: list the following for us...

1. Your Apache version
2. Your PHP version
3. Your MySQL server version



Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009 10:40 am
by moxy
Hi, its nice to know, im not alone anymore(LOL)
4Shades, in answer to your question... yes and everything I can get my hands on, my bookmarks a growing by leaps and bounds.
I understand this adventure a pyramidal sort of thing, learn 1 thing, and it opens up two more, Im a research kinda guy.
Hence, my problem with the apache server. (v 2.2 php 5.2.8)
My mp4 folder is the main tree. I cant get in. it a config problem, url syntax prob, wrong place? Many possible variables. My light is not coming on.
My research and tests have yield negative results, hence.....
"Wecome to SEOW forums"
My sql(5+)
Thank you for welcoming me in.

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009 10:53 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Moxy,

You are not alone! But we have a deal here. We are keen to help, but we demand from you *information* :)

For example, when you say
My mp4 folder is the main tree. I cant get in.
that really doesn't tell us anything. You need to be much more explicit.

What URL are you trying? Have you set index.php and default.php as standard index pages for your Apache server? Are you certain that PHP is actually operating on your Apache server? Have you set up your databases on your MySQL server? Do you have a valid external login account on your MySQL server? Can you browse the MP4/Scripts/MP-Admin.php page?

I know, I am machine-gunning you with questions. But believe me, if you can work through them and answer them it will help you (and us) in the long run.


Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009 12:18 pm
by moxy
4shades, fast replys thank you.
OK, working backward, I can not access the mp4 admin page,
on abyss, I had no problems getting there, apache no dice.
Url s Ive typed every path I can think of.
php is active, according to my status monitor.
you mentioned php indexing, and default, ? there we go.
I think.....
have not touched mysql yet, to me I would think this is a different pyramid,
If I cant access mp4.
MGing. love it, fire away!
off to look a php docs.

P.S. Ok Light just came on..With abyss I installed there php package,
Followed a step by step instruction. yup! there we go.
mp4 andmin got in.
personal... because I got that far with abyss, do you thinkI should go back
or work it with apache? Learning curve, understood, but theres so much ahead

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009 4:51 pm
by moxy
I decided to go back to abyss, its back up and running, and Ive got the admin page, yea.
Im working on sql now, abyss has got a step by step,
I want to tell you this is why I needed help, just our few back and forth s
have steered me right.
Il report how im doing..soon?
with many thanx

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009 6:34 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Excellent. You are on the right track Moxy! Don't even think about setting up the MP any further until:

*) MySQL is running
*) Your databases are set up
*) Your MySQL login is working
*) Your DCS connects happily to your MySQL databases


Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009 9:22 pm
by moxy
thanks for the 4 parameters,
working on it.

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009 10:54 am
by moxy
OK, I went back to xampp, now that Im starting to get a grasp, on this,
Xampp makes more sense.
anyway I learned to get php up, and mysql up with abyss, manual config,
with instructions, scary.
OK xampp up and running, stop light is green, mp admin Ok so php is a rockin.
now, on to put this thing together, Ive got to do some research on this,
as Im writing this, I relised, I dont have a clear road map of the DB
set up, in my head . (LOL)
Any guiding hints?
more coffee, more cigs on we go

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009 11:29 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Moxy,

Every SEOW ccampaign exists as a set of data in a SEOW database. The MP is simply a tool to gather information (orders) from human commanders and stick it in the database. The DCS is a tool to do two things:

1. Read commander orders from the database and merge them all together into a flyable coop.
2. Once the coop is flown, gather all the events that occurred from the IL-2 eventlog, and use these to update the data in the database, thereby updating the campaign state.

OK, that is straightforward. So, the big question is, what about the databases? Well, SEOW allows you to use two different kinds of databases, MySQL and MSAccess. You can even mix and match. The point is that every different SEOW sector (and there are 40 in the latest release) can have a different database associated with it. 40 sectors can mean 40 databases for 40 simultaneous campaigns, since every active campaign must have its own database (active campaigns cannot share a database simultaneously).

If, as a start, you only want to run 1 campaign at a time, you really only need to set up 1 database. But the MP needs to point EVERY sector at a database, so if you only have one database you need to point every MP sector at the SAME database. You do this using the MP-Admin.php tool. This tool allows you to define database connections for every sector.

For MySQL, the databases are available as MySQL scripts. First you create a database in MySQL, then you load the script for the sector of interest into that database. Then you should be able to point both your DCS and your MP at that database. More information on the syntax of the DB connections is inside the file MP-Connection.php. Just read that file in Notepad. You will need to know your MySQL server address (probably localhost) and account login and password. You will also need to know your database name. Make sure you give INSERT DELETE UPDATE SELECT permissions to your MysQL account for your database(s).

I know this seems complicated, but once you've done it you will see that you have an extremely flexible and scalable system for running simultaneous campaigns.


Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009 12:23 pm
by moxy
you said, magic words again.......
Thanks for the road map...."again"

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009 11:23 pm
by moxy
I just created a database, by following the sql tutorials.
with my head spinning, I couldn't figure out where to type command lines
laughing now (9pm) but not at noon.
Now I sleep, tomorrow I experiment, Im a little apprehensive,(nice word for freaked out, but at the same time excited) cause somewhere in all of this,
Im going to have to config all of this together.
ahh what a ride.

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2009 5:34 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades

IMHO, the tools that come with MySQL are quite lame. You can do most things you need to with MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser, including building databases, administrating your MysQL server (login accounts, tweaks etc), editing database tables for customization etc, but that is not an easy or efficient approach.

Once you have your system up and working, you will probably find that the ability to customize SEOW to your liking will become important. Many of the guys around here who do this use some specialist tools for editing MySQL databases. Popular ones are Navicat ($) and SQLyog (free). With tools like these, SEOW is really unleashed to give you absolute flexibility and control in your campaign designs. Of course, if you are fortunate enough to have MS Access on your PC, then you already have everything you need. I believe you can even use OpenOffice (free) with the MSAccess version of the SEDB since you can open .mdb files directly from OpenOffice (as you can MySQL).

Remember, the database is where you tell SEOW what objects and facilities will be in your campaign, what they are called and how they can behave. The power!


Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2009 1:41 pm
by moxy
Hi 4shades
man I think Im close, I hope you agree.
OK Im going access with open office.
FYI, openoffice reads the mdb, no prob, re formats the file,
there is away to "lock" them together, I have that, how I did it I dont know,
but I have a database, dsc hooks up and seems to be happy(which of course, with a mdb was never a prob)
OK mp, I now need to resyntax the mp php conection file, to the database,correct?
Question,if this is correct, must I do all 40, or can I do a single as a test?
I have done a single, I recieved a paser error. OK........ but the mp is doing something.
My mp contect syntax....
=DatabaseProvider="access", DPPath="C:\database\SEDB31d.mdb;
I just saw, D-(P)-path...
anyway, am I close?
How bad is the syntax, a road map please.
all 4o?
4SHADES your help has been greatly appreciated, through this adventure,
and will continue be so

Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2009 2:40 pm
by moxy
learn something every minute.
Ok Did not know the mp, database, connection interface, was and is a type able interface, that will make life easyer.
Ok syntax, need a string?
working on it, getting errors aka
`T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in C:\xampp\htdocs\SEOW\MP4\Scripts\MP-Connection.php on line 17.
ok my syntax...
["Ardennes"] =DatabaseProvider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\moxy\SEDB3", DBPath="C:\MOXYSEOW\SEDB31d.mdb

Remember Im using open office