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How do I add a new aircraft to the DCS

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009 12:57 am
by RAF74_Buzzsaw
Salute All

I notice the DCS does not have the new modded aircraft included, neither does it have some of the actual IL-2 1946 aircraft. I cannot for example, find anything for the 1944 P-47D.

How would I go about adding these aircraft? Is there a patch or mod?

Thanks in advance

RAF74 Buzzsaw

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009 1:17 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Buzz,

I think there are some confusions here that maybe I can help with.

First, the DCS doesn't know much about game objects (planes, tanks etc). All it does is read the database and perform various operations on the data there. No patch is required for it to use a new game object.

Second, all game objects are defined in the Object_Specifications table of the database. If an object that you want to use with a particular Mod is not in there, you can add it yourself.

Third, the P-47D object has been in the SEOW database (Object_Specifications table) for quite some time. It was allocated a verbose name of P-47D/150 (based on the internal FMB code name of "P_47D"). If you can find a 1946 FMB object code that is not present in the latest SEDB32 release, then please let us know. If the correct code name is there but you disagree with the allocated Verbose Names, then you can simply edit the Verbose Names to suit your purpose. I am not sure what SEOW versions you are running now Buzz, but I can really only support the latest versions.

Note that SEOW does not seek to support all possible AAA Mod objects, since some of them are quite dubious in quality. Instead we work with the HistorySFX Mod team, so SEDB32 has now over 830 object types defined. Many of the extra objects come from various AAA Mods, but not all, and some AAA Mod objects have been reworked again for the HistorySFX Mod.


Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009 4:19 am
by RAF74_Buzzsaw
Salute Shades

Thanks for your reply.

I realize the objects usable in SE are defined in the Object specifications table in the database.

My question was in regards as to whether there was a simple way for all the new AAA aircraft and objects to be added, ie. defined and listed in the database such that the selection of them in the mission programmer would result in the inclusion of them in a IL-2 mission.

I guess I will need to add them manually.

And thanks for pointing out the P-47D/150, I had not noticed it in the table.