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Proposal: Removing the DefaultFlightAltitude Setting

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2009 8:55 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Everyone,

Recently Brandle proposed that the DefaultFlightAltitude setting (defined in MP-Configuration.php) be relaxed so that aircraft would, by default, fly at altitudes more in keeping with their individual performance envelopes.

As it stands now, the DefaultFlightAltitude is 2000 m, so ALL flights assume this altitude for their waypoints unless the commander changes them individually. In a gameplay sense this is good, since meeting engagements are more likely to happen if every flight is at the same altitude.

But, as we know, unless ordered to fly at a specific altitude, a real life fighter patrol will clearly fly at an altitude that gives them the greatest advantage in performance and concealment against the expected opposition. Can we simulate this in SEOW? Should we even bother?

In SEOW we already have some key performance parameters for each aircraft type, including
1. the service ceiling
2. the altitude at which maximum speed is attained (MaxSpeedAlt)

It would be easy to remove the DefaultFlightAltitude setting altogether and simply replace it by MaxSpeedAlt for each aircraft type. But MaxSpeedAlt ranges from 10,000 m (e.g. Me-163B) to 8000 m (SPITFIRE9EHF) to 900 m (TB_3_4M_17). Common fighters like the Bf-109G series are up around 5800 m. This is clearly more realistic than a DefaultFlightAltitude setting, but could have a significant effect on SEOW campaigning. Another option could be to multiply MaxSpeedAlt for each aircraft by a fraction, e.g. 2/3, to reduce the altitudes but still have some variation.

I am interested in hearing any feedback you might have on this idea.


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2009 7:02 am
by 102nd-HR-cmirko
Hi *,

great idea :)

since MP allows change of this parameter easily, I would vote that DefaultFlightAltitude is copied from MaxSpeedAlt - planners will most certainly change this parameter if that is what they want :)


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2009 6:43 pm
by PA-Dore
I agree too to this good idea.

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009 3:00 pm
by Grifo_rott
I like the 2/3 of MaxSpeedAlt idea :)