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Internet explorer problem in MP

Posted: Fri 03 Apr 2009 8:51 pm
by Guevara
I have a problem whith th e IE ( IE 7 , IE 8 it s the same. Also whith Mozilla nad IEtab)
When I click in MP the sector to see in detail, nothing happen. It looks like loading for a while but it ends whith no image. In Mozilla I can get into the sector, but when I create a mission, inside the map, nothing happens whit the right click of the mouse. No menu appears so I couldn t finish the mission. It´s a problem whit my pc I guess, ´cos another guy can do it normally. I tried to erase the cache, reinstall, install IE8, and nothig seems to work. My so is XP service pack 3. I know this issue is not regarding to SEOW, but maybe someone had the same trouble any time. Thanks in advance.