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Anti-Spam: Member Registrations

Posted: Sun 04 Feb 2007 10:42 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
It seems that the spammers have found this Forum now, so I have turned on the Admin-approval method for new member registrations.

This increases the registration delay for new members, but keeps me relatively sane.


Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007 3:39 pm
by eaf92_brigstock
My sympathy's Shades
Unfortunately it is a phpBB thing and sites globally are suffering. I have quite a collection of spammers in my membership for our SE campaign board.
Funny how they all sound like characters out of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy/Doctor Who :D
The above three, for example, sound like particularly fierce aliens of some sort :D

I've looked at ways to prevent it, some boards report success by including hidden fields in the application form or by removing the www field.
General consensus says it's bots, I just wonder how they have managed to get around the confirmation code. I can't imagine someone going around phpBB sites spamming them as it is primarily just a phpBB issue. Who, in their right mind, would manually search out phpBB boards and spam them?

Have you seen
Wow :wink:

:D :D

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007 6:50 am
by eaf92_brigstock

You may have already been looking at this, but FYI anyway ... nting+spam

I've added the AntiSpam Mod by deMone to my board a few days ago and so far no bots.


Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007 9:15 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hmm, just what I needed. Some good material for the Forum Administrator.

Many thanks Brigstock!


Posted: Mon 12 Feb 2007 1:47 pm
by eaf92_brigstock
Textual confirmation is a good one too. You get an email with the failed attempts at registering. It's probably the best one actually as you can set the question.
That one has caught 3 spambots today alone :)

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008 10:58 am
I cannot seem to register for the test and evaluation area. It says the VIP code is incorrect and it doesn't recognize my login from here.


Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008 3:25 pm
=69.GIAP=CONAN wrote:I cannot seem to register for the test and evaluation area. It says the VIP code is incorrect and it doesn't recognize my login from here.

S! Conan,

The VIP code for the "seowhqforum" area is different from that for this forum. It is "STEPPE". Like where our squad mechanic Genghis has his home!

Now STEPPE lively over there and get registered! :-)