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Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2009 7:48 am
by Arcas
I just finished a test campaign and I had some problems with the tanks (invincible Matilda vs crap Panzer), now I want to start a new campaign with Germans vs Russians and I would like a few suggestions for what tanks we could use. I don't want a historical campaign, I want a campaign in which both sides have equal chances. I did some tests and the best choice seems to be T-34 (1940) vs Panzer IVJ (1944). I put them on a runway to go to each other and I got this results:

12 vs 12 - T-34 won with 2-0 (2 T-34 remained, 0 Panzer IVJ)
8 vs 8 - T-34 won with 4-0
4 vs 4 - Panzer IVJ won with 3-0

I also put them on a road to meet:

12 vs 12 - T-34 won with 7-0

I would like to use T-34 for the Russians, I wait suggestions for a German tank with which I could get closer results.

Sorry for my English.

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2009 9:47 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Arcas,

Your English is fine! :)

You are correct to test things out before launching a campaign. Good campaign designers spend a lot of time making sure that object choices will give the results they are after. As you already know, objects in the game don't always have relative performance that matched real life.

Brandle has done lots of testing on this and found that the T-34 is better than the PzIVF2 but worse than the PzVIE (Tiger). On the other hand, you might want to consider using the up-gunned T-34, the T34_85, against the Tiger. Try that.


Posted: Fri 07 Aug 2009 4:54 am
by Loon

I do think the best way to test similar units is the runway head on you did, Arces.

But don't forget that very often the SEOW encounters happens in very different conditions and tanks that lost such a "combat" in your tests, do a great job in different conditions (I noticed a PzIII killing a T34). The tanks have greater killing performance when stationed than when moveing even if they are worse than the oponent.
The results use to be different from the airfield test to the road test, mainly cos the road and ground around isn't totally leveled.
Check the Stug IIIG, perhaps a mix of PzIV and Stug's can even the tank set. Note that the Stug need to turn around to fire to side or rear enemies, taking more time to do and reducing the firing rate, but stationed, this tank has a very good killing ratio.

Also the PzIVF2 vs Sherman are pretty good even.

Hope this help

Posted: Tue 15 Sep 2009 5:24 am
by II/JG7_Warg
Go into the objects table for SE campaign database. Lookup the tank on the object specifications table and adjust the engagement range to something more appropriate for superior German gunnery skills. Make sure this option is flagged when initialising the SE template. I wouldn't recommend mucking around with armour values in the Techniks file and there is nothing that I know to account for range attuition of projectiles in ground combat for IL2.