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COMING SOON: Bessarabia (2 maps) for SEOW

Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2009 9:38 am
by PA-Dore
I don't choose Bessarabia map, too heavy online, I preferred IASIonline and Odessaonline, ideal for multi-sectors campaigns.
These maps contain industrial infrastructures, enough railways, roads and airbases (17 for IASI, 19 for Odessa).
These maps are included in 4.09b1m. (no mod needed)
Two more weeks ;-)


Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2009 11:22 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades


Posted: Sun 02 Aug 2009 7:01 pm
by EJGr.Ost_Chamel
Hi Dore,

I love the Bessarabia map and therefore I am glad to see, that someone is working to introduce it into SEOW!! But the version of the map (maps, to be correct!) that comes with 4.09 Beta1 is ... well ... a Beta-Version with many bugs, for example gaps in the roads and railway networks.
Now a final version of 4.09 is close to being released ( ) and it will bring us a heavily tested and improved version of the Bessarabia maps, which should be nearly bugfree (nothing is perfect in this world :wink: ). I know this, because yogy, the maker of the Bessarabia maps, is a squad mate of mine.
I think, that 4.09b1 will very soon disappear as soon as 4.09 (final) will be released. Therefore I would recommend you, to stop the work on the hitherto existing map and wait for the final version.

Thanks for your work to give us so many new maps in SEOW Image

Posted: Sun 02 Aug 2009 9:13 pm
by PA-Dore
Ok for Bessarabia Map, but it's too heavy for online. I work on 2 maps (Iasi and Odessa Online). The first one is done (Bessarabia West) and it works fine. 10 missions flown on it.
You can see it HERE
login: pa
password: pa

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009 11:18 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Bessarabia West has now been integrated in the current development SEOW version. Another nice job by Dore!


Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009 3:05 pm
by yogy
PA-Dore, Hades: Thanks a lot for working with my maps!

In the final version, there are a lot of things improved:
- only big rivers visible
- visible rivers look much better
- doubled amounts of objects
- all airfields reworked
- missing, important places put on map
- some monasteries and other in-between-objetcs are now shown

Please allow me one personal request: Please don't call them "Bessarabia-West" and "...-East", but "Bessarabia-Iasi" and "Bessarabia-Odessa"...

PS: I have detailed maps of the fortifications used around Odessa in 1941. Can one integrate something like that in SEOW?

Here some pics from the new versions (WIP, already old but I don't have new ones)

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009 6:58 pm
by PA-Dore
The 2 maps are now done. If the new map will be enough light for online, I'll modify my work, no problem.
It seems that there is no change on roads, railways, airbases locations, so it's easy to modify if necessary.
3 questions:
1) Could you give me the size of your actorstatic file?
2) What's the reason for change the name of these SEOW maps ? History?
3) It would be fine that you send to me your ed_mxx.tga maps for checking ;-)

Posted: Thu 06 Aug 2009 6:20 pm
by PA-Dore
2 maps sent tonight to Shades for check

First look SEOW Pirates de l'Air
login: pa
password: pa

Posted: Thu 06 Aug 2009 9:44 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Yogy,

It is nice to hear from you - we are keen to work with the best maps we can for SEOW. Dore is going for a short holiday now, but please keep in contact with him so he can use the right data for the Bessarabia maps.

I am happy to change the map naming in SEOW. I suppose you just want to indicate the main city in each map.


Posted: Fri 07 Aug 2009 8:36 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Bessarabia West is now named Iasi
Bessarabia East is now named Odessa

Thanks to Dore for his excellent SEOW map building work.


Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2009 5:36 am
by yogy
PA-Dore wrote: 1) Could you give me the size of your actorstatic file?
2) What's the reason for change the name of these SEOW maps ? History?
3) It would be fine that you send to me your ed_mxx.tga maps for checking ;-)
1) Bessarabia = 5,5MB, Iasi = 2,3MB, Odessa = 2,5MB. The "filled" areas in the online-maps are unchanged since 4.09b
2) Yes, historical events:
- Iasi-Map: around Iasi was a major strongpoint of the german-romanian defensive lines from March to August 1944, also the soviet offensive in August 1944 was called "Iasi-Kishinev-operation".
- Odessa-map: The "living" area is what is "neeeded" for the siege of Odessa in autumn 1941
3) Done - I hope 7MB is not too big for your mailbox :roll:

Shades: Thanks 8) . I will try to call the online-maps "Bessarabia-Iasi" and Bessarabia-Odessa" in the final patch. A good idea from you guys!!

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2009 7:16 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Even more thanks to you Yogy for building these wonderful IL-2 maps. And that historical information is very nice to have.


Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2009 2:38 am
by PA-Dore
Thanks Yogi for historical explanations ;-)

Sorry, I don't received your files. Perhaps, could you send them separately?

Posted: Wed 12 Aug 2009 7:35 pm
by EJGr.Ost_Chamel
PA-Dore wrote:Thanks Yogi for historical explanations ;-)
Hi Dore,

just in case you don't know it yet. With the 4.09b Patch came a Readme to the Bessarabia map (Readme_Bessarabia_409Beta.pdf), which is a very interesting read!


Posted: Thu 20 Aug 2009 5:17 am
by PA-Findo
Nice work JP !!! :wink: