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Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009 11:46 am
by PA-Dore
I used the original 4.09b1m map (no mod needed) (Kiev/load.ini)
But we can use mod map (AP_Ukraine/load.ini and AP_Ukraine/load_w.ini) just by removing bridges in Bridges table and changing maps in Sector_Seasons table.
The new airbase (North-West) is included but available only for modded maps.
I'll give the 2 tables.
Strategy will be different on two maps depending of Ground Movement mode choosen: Strict or Normal mode with original map (many rivers and bridges), Simple mode for example with modded maps.
One more week

--> Thanks to Autopilot:
"By removing 253 of the 405 bridges and reworked all the water to
essentially one large river (the Dnieper River), but all the areas that
had water will still look like wet lands (using textures) but vehicles
will be able to cross them un restricted. This water change frees up a
whole new dynamic with ground vehicles for guys who like huge tank
battles and a dis-like the congestion of large convoys at bridges.
More over this lack of bridges makes for a more fluid front line.
I also added an Air field north of Koroston, in the north west corner
as well as adding some new roads and long rail lines with much fewer
choke points."


EDIT: Finally, I created 2 databases: Kiev and Kiev_AP
First look:
SEOW Pirates de l'Air
login: pa
password: pa

Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2010 12:29 am
Could these have been switched in SEDB32D?

We just today started a campaign on the Kiev map and noticed the absence of bridges. (Got bridge errors in the analysis of the first mission... then commanders pointed out they couldn't toggle bridges on and off). I looked at the bridges table in the Kiev DB and it was empty. I looked in the Kiev_AP DB and found them!

Can I just move the bridges data from the one DB to the other to restore bridges in Kiev? It looks like only three tables are needed... Bridges, Bridge_Codes and Bridge_Destruction.

Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2010 12:38 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Tushka,

I'm not sure about that. Technically speaking, just swapping tables between databases and renaming the Map field entries (from 'Kiev' to 'Kiev_AP') in the new tables would achieve it, but only Dore really knows the true differences between the SEOW implementations of the maps.

Charlie will be releasing an HSFX update soon that will include Kiev_AP in the map list.


Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2010 12:39 pm
by PA-Dore
--> Bonjour TUSHKA & SHADES

Kiev map had be modified in 4.09m since 4.09b1m.

Here are 3 tables for Kiev Map (HSFX4.11 and UP2.01): ...

- New bridges in the north-west
- Corrected 1 road missing
- Corrected metal/wooden bridges

Kiev_AP has no modifications but is not in HSFX4.11 and UP2.01

Differences between Kiev map and Kiev_AP map:
Kiev map
Kiev_AP map

"By removing 253 of the 405 bridges and reworked all the water to
essentially one large river (the Dnieper River), but all the areas that
had water will still look like wet lands (using textures) but vehicles
will be able to cross them un restricted. This water change frees up a
whole new dynamic with ground vehicles for guys who like huge tank
battles and a dis-like the congestion of large convoys at bridges.
More over this lack of bridges makes for a more fluid front line.
I also added an Air field north of Koroston, in the north west corner
as well as adding some new roads and long rail lines with much fewer
choke points."

Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2010 1:15 pm
I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes. :)

Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2010 2:13 pm
Partial success... we now have 151 bridges that we did not have before, but this is still probably only half of them... and from the errors I got on reanalysis, did not include all the bridges that were destroyed in the first mission.

The bridges that are still missing are the more western and southern bridges.

I had to change the map name of these bridges from Kiev_AP to Kiev in the Bridges table. The other two tables appeared to be identical between the Kiev and Kiev_AP databases.

Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2010 5:57 pm
by PA-Dore
You cannot use Kiev_AP bridge table (see picture above: differences between Kiev and Kiev_AP)
You have to empty your 3 Kiev tables (Highways, Highways_Intertersections, Bridges) and replace with the 3 above
You don't have to change the map name (3 tables are for Kiev map only)
Exact number of bridges = 404
# Railways bridges = 88 (all Metal)
# Roads bridges = 316 (59 Metal, 257 Wooden)
Could you show me on this Kiev map where bridges are missing? (it a screenshoot of my own MP I have just initialized)

Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2010 10:38 pm
The problem is that the Kiev Bridges table in the SEDB32D has 0 bridges rather than 404. Do you have a copy of the 404 bridges version that I can use?

All bridges are missing in the Kiev version. Some (151) are present in the Kiev_AP version.

I reinstalled the Kiev map to a test DB from the SEDB32D extended inserts version and came up with the same empty Bridges table result.

I didn't try the other version because I was rushed. :)

Posted: Mon 12 Apr 2010 12:40 am
Sorry, I somehow missed the post with the link to the files. I have them now and will install them tomorrow. Thanks!

Posted: Mon 12 Apr 2010 11:14 am
The Kiev2010 data worked perfectly! Thanks, PA-Dore!

The reanalysis of the first mission (after installing these files) had no errors at all, and all of the bridges appear to be accounted for.

Thinking back on it, I think what happened was I had this thread open while I was working, and posted my results without refreshing the page, thus missing your first response.

Then when I later saw your second response I thought the three files you were referring to were the three I had mentioned in my first post.

It was only much later when reviewing the thread that I saw your first response and realized that youi must think I am an idiot! :)

OK, at times that is true. :)

Please forgive me.

I am grateful for your help.

BTW, this is a beautiful map! Thanks also for all the work you put into it to make it available in SEOW.

Posted: Mon 12 Apr 2010 12:55 pm
by PA-Dore
=69.GIAP=TUSHKA wrote: Please forgive me.
No! you're like me a SEOW's afficionados :lol: SEOW is in permanent evolution. Shades works quite every day on it since many years, we have to help him for all secondary jobs. In this way, every question is useful by removing each time some graphical or datas errors.
This time, once again, I removed some errors in Kiev tables because of map changes between 4.09b1m and 4.09m. So, thanks for your post :wink:



Posted: Mon 12 Apr 2010 2:13 pm
by =gRiJ=Petr
PA-Dore wrote:
=69.GIAP=TUSHKA wrote: Please forgive me.
No! you're like me a SEOW's afficionados :lol: SEOW is in permanent evolution. Shades works quite every day on it since many years, we have to help it for all secondary jobs. In this way, every question is useful by removing each time some graphical or datas errors.
This time, once again, I removed some errors in Kiev tables because of map changes between 4.09b1m and 4.09m. So, thanks for your post :wink:


Thanks PA!

Posted: Sat 17 Apr 2010 5:22 am
by PA-Dore

The Boss Shades found mistake in my Kiev Bridges table, I forgot to sort Obj_Name/Damage_Name Sorry ;-(

Just replace by KievBridges4

Posted: Mon 19 Apr 2010 4:10 pm
Thanks, PA-Dore. I've done just that. I was wondering why the table looked odd to me! :)