Starting a second campaign

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Starting a second campaign

Post by Medar »

So I loaded the Tunisia Beginner map to make sure I knew what I was problems there. Ran a first mission and flew it with some buddies, set the second mission up to fly after planning each side - and we got in to fly and it said there were no Human Pilot missions. Not sure what we did wrong...we did not check the AI box on everything.

Any ideas on that one?

Second question - I duplicated my "seow1" database which held Tunisia up above...and Flushed it. Figured I would load a second to get more experience using all the tools etc. I loaded the Normandy mission "Operation Tenderfoot" and initialized it...but when I go into the Sector will not allow me to create anything...and there seems to be nothing there (just the map is aircraft, etc).

Is there specific Operation Tenderfoot or Normandy SQL I had to load? To clarify I installed the "Reference.sql" for that is what is in this seow2 database as well.

Any idea on that? LOL

Thanks for any help...still learning heavily here.

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Post by =gRiJ=Petr »

Concerning the no missions problem. Had just had a simular problem and the cause was that the plotted missions were starting later than the time in the seow software. So check the time in the planner and the time in the sedcs.

For a new campaign I useually create a new DB and import the complete reference. IT seems you did that. Be sure to point the new campaign to the correct DB in the mp-connection.php

Good luck :-)
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Joined: Mon 26 Oct 2009 10:56 am

Post by Medar »

~S~ Petr and thank you. Will check my start times to make sure they are sync'd. I know all the individual mission flights were Immediate as I set them up. Will have to check the DB now.
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Post by Medar »

Actually I just realized I don't think it is showing up on my site at all...not sure if I have to initialize something "extra" to get two campaigns showing. But I went to the statistics page and it shows the Tunisia campaign as Initialized with no missions run so far...but it does not show Operation Tenderfoot at all.
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Joined: Mon 26 Oct 2009 10:56 am

Post by Medar »

And Petr you were right. had my default settings still in my MP_Connection. I thought I saw an array that read the DB connections in there...fixed it and should be running just fine in about 2 minutes.

Thanks for the big directional pointer.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi guys,

Just some background and comments here.

It is perfectly OK to use the Reference database for campaigning, but it is big and if you want to run simultaneous campaigns you will need multiple copies of this, and the system load increases. An alternative is to load sector-specific databases for your campaigns. These are much smaller but contain all the information you need for the relevant sector (only).

So, as an example, two set up to campaigns (Ardennes, Gothic Line) your workflow would be something like:

1. Create Ardennes database on your MySQL server.
2. Load SEDB32D_Ardennes_extinserts.sql to the Ardennes database.
3. Use SEDCS to initialize Ardennes campaign template in Ardennes database.
4. Use MP4/MP-Admin.php page (Databases link on MP front page)to associate Ardennes database with Ardennes sector in the MP.

5. Create Gothic Line database on your MySQL server.
6. Load SEDB32D_GothicLine_extinserts.sql to the Gothic Line database.
7. Use SEDCS to initialize Gothic Line campaign template in Gothic Line database.
8. Use MP4/MP-Admin.php page to associate Gothic Line database with Gothic Line sector in the MP.

By continuing this process, in principle you can associate every sector with a different database and end up running 56 simultaneous campaigns! Note that in the above I have used the "extinserts" versions of the SQL DB loads. You could easily use the other sector DB SQL loads, but the load time may be longer for some MySQL management tools.

SEOW Developer

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