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New Release: SEDCS v3.2.6, SEDB32E, MP4 v4.610

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009 10:03 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
A new SEOW update release has just been made, in order to support the Global June 1942 Campaign organized by 242Sqn_Chap and 22GCT_Gross, plus many others.

Many thanks to all contributors, especially Dore for his continuing sector contributions, and to Charlie for coordinating HSFX releases. Here are the changes since the previous release:

MP4 v4.610
*) Corrected getMissionName() in MP-RadarScreen.php (PA_Dore)
*) Revised coordinate transformations for The Slot x6 (PA_Dore)
*) Added Central Med and Midway Large sectors (242Sqn_Chap, 22GCT_Gross, AMVI_Dax)
*) Added Korea support, plus North and South Korea icons (PA_Dore)
*) Added Crete and Channel 1942 support (PA_Dore)
*) Revised Tubruq support (EJgr.Ost_Chamel)
*) Changed Cancel to Delete for Sched Missions in MP-Head.js (22GCT_Gross)
*) Displayed unit morale in tooltips regardless of supply model.
*) Added Force Summary data to Force History page (=AVG=Storm)
*) Corrected CapitalChart hex->decimal scaling.
*) Promoted LL() function to its own php file MP-SpecialCharacters.php; removed LL() from Statistics/stats_functions.php.
*) New object images for HSFX4.1
*) Updated map loader string for Libya in MP-Maps.php (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Included transfer restrictions in the SOG toolset (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Removed duplicate of BestPerformanceCeiling in MP-BuildPage.php (22GCT_Gross)
*) Corrected SOG definitions to include all maps (II/JG77Hawk_5)

Statistics v1.128
*) Added Infantry to cumulative list on English and German language packages.
*) Corrected display of campaign date and time on front stats page (22GCT_Gross)

SEDCS v3.2.6
*) Corrected ungrouped factory production rate calculation to include mission length (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Minor adjustment to Radar host seat loadout (22GCT_Gross)
*) Added bazooka capability to stationary infantry units (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Corrected handling of temporary runways for Host Seat.
*) Overstrength tank units (PA_Dore)
*) Commenting and error message change in subMakeProperName() for static airframes in templates.

*) HSFX4.1 objects, loadouts, airbase layouts, convoys, bridges, highways, railways, tile map codes etc
*) Improved Radar_Maps table
*) Support for Central Med, Crete, Korea, Midway Large
*) Included Katana's SQL-SPLIT tool and SQL tree.



Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009 10:45 am
by 102nd-HR-cmirko
thanks 4Shades :)


Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009 11:33 am
by 22GCT_Gross
thanks once more, Shades. Good for incoming campaign....

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009 11:56 am
by PA-Dore
One time again, many thanks, Shades for this great synthesis work.

Posted: Fri 25 Dec 2009 9:59 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
SEDCS v3.2.7 has been released - a minor bug patch.

*) Runway Lights slider setting now corrected.

*) Waypoints for the Radar Control host seat now corrected.


Posted: Sun 07 Feb 2010 6:16 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
SEDCS v3.2.8 has been released as a moderate bug patch. Most of the changes have been prompted by comments/reports from the June 1942 Campaign now in progress.

*) The optional Idle Consumption calculations for the Clock Advance function have been improved and are now consistent with normal mission Analyze supply calculations. (LW10_Luny)
*) Corrections to task force management for CS_Mission_Length > 1 and to ClockAdvance TF functions.
*) Control Points will now be given flag poles and flags (within a sandbag emplacement). The flags will change nation according to the controlling force. This feature relies upon a new "Flags" table in the DB. See the DCS v3.2.8 README for information on how to retrofit SEDB32E databases.
*) Correction of duplication of mission orders in optional * file.
*) Added check for Radar and HSFX support in makeHostSeat().
*) Engineer units are now parsed and allocated affiliations correctly (Brandle).
*) Idle Use sliders now increment to 0.1%.
*) Remove VSP class from Infantry CGM selector text.
