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Some supply questions

Posted: Tue 02 Mar 2010 10:48 am
by =gRiJ=SaoS
We are about to start our first SEOW with supplys turned on, so I've got some basic questions.

I've heard that the fuel depots don't make fuel, so that all fuel has to come from the offmap by train, ships or trucks. How is it usually done?

With the Hsfx, the limit of people was raised from 32 people, am I wrong?

If IA flights as transport, paratroopers and recon is active for human, when you are in one of those missions when you toggle the smoke. Do you see the supply drop or any paratroop behind you?

I've also heard that there is a external fuel reserve, how do you refuel that?

When you drop supply points by air or by train, once they are empty could you refuel them with the external reserve or they got destroied?

To now those are my questions... I don't promise that I won't bother you again in a short future.

Thanks anyway

Re: Some supply questions

Posted: Tue 02 Mar 2010 6:10 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
I've heard that the fuel depots don't make fuel, so that all fuel has to come from the offmap by train, ships or trucks. How is it usually done?

If I'm not wrong, you could set a fuel production as percentage of whole production power
With the Hsfx, the limit of people was raised from 32 people, am I wrong?
the limit is 128
If IA flights as transport, paratroopers and recon is active for human, when you are in one of those missions when you toggle the smoke. Do you see the supply drop or any paratroop behind you?
I've also heard that there is a external fuel reserve, how do you refuel that?
by editing the database
When you drop supply points by air or by train, once they are empty could you refuel them with the external reserve or they got destroied?
I trust you cannot refuel the supply drops

See seowwiki for any doubt.

Posted: Tue 02 Mar 2010 7:20 pm
by =gRiJ=SaoS
I've read all the wiki but I didn't see the those answer... anyway thank you for the soon answer

Posted: Tue 02 Mar 2010 8:07 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Some extra information:

Fuel Supplies
Gross is correct - fuel dumps can produce supply each mission (DCS setting). If fuel dumps produce enough fuel to fill themselves up, extra production is sent to the OffMap Reserves.

Transport Aircraft
When aircraft are tasked with making paratrooper or supply drops they are given parachute or cargo loadouts, respectively, if those loadouts are listed in the database AircraftLoadouts table. Not all transport aircraft have such loadouts.

If flown by a human, toggling smoke registers the paratrooper or supply drop event. The pilot can choose to use the bomb drop button to release the loadout for visual effect, but it is the smoke event that counts for location and timing purposes.

AI pilots will release their loadouts at the planned location. If you fly behind an AI transport dropping paratroopers, you will see the parachutes fall out of the plane (if the loadout is defined in the DB). If there is no loadout defined, you will see nothing!

Supply Drops
Once empty, they vanish. You will need to make a new one!


Posted: Wed 03 Mar 2010 11:01 am
by =gRiJ=SaoS
Really usefull information, another question, the normal use of fuel is to earn it from the external by transport or to let the fuel depots make it?

Posted: Wed 03 Mar 2010 8:07 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades

When you get reinforcements, they will draw their supply frmo the Off Map Reserves, so you need both supply inside the map (for normal units) and off map.
