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Assigning a New Unit

Posted: Tue 23 Mar 2010 7:16 pm
by VT-51_Thud
Greetings! Having a problem on the Korea map where the Axis Commander can not asign a new unit. When he selects the dropdown there is nothing available. What database table should I be looking at to correct this?


Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010 10:38 am
by 22GCT_Gross
Maybe you've solved because it's working for me.

Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010 1:49 pm
by PA-Dore
if not, add new units in Airforce_Units table. Respect if possible Regiment_Type (PBO, PFI...)

Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010 7:46 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, to clarify, do not *add* new records to Airforce_Units table. Just change the Campaign_Sector to Korea for some air regiments you would like to enable in that campaign.

FYI, only the Campaign_Sector and Verbose fields are editable in that table. Do not change anything else.


Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010 4:38 am
by VT-51_Thud
Thanks for the help. Gross, was weird, the Axis Commander sent me a thank you for fixing it but I didn't fix anything yet. Then, he checked again and they were gone. :shock:

All seems fine now...I hope.

Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010 6:11 am
by VF-51_Cobraj
Before seeing this post I added to "Airforce_Units" these lines below. These are historic Korean air units.

Before I did this no squadrons shown up in reinforcements tab for North Korea. It shows up just fine now. Should I remove these 4Shades??

NorthKorea 56th Guards"Taejon" Fighter 56th Guards"Taejon" Fighter Aviation Regiment PFI Axis kp Korea 0

NorthKorea 1st Assault 1st Assault Aviation Regiment PFI Axis kp Korea 0

NorthKorea 1st Fighter 1st Fighter Aviation Regiment PFI Axis kp Korea 0

Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010 6:36 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

You can physically add records to Airforce_Units table, making up as many regimental names etc as you like. SEOW won't care, the MP will handle them happily, the DCS will build the mission file no problems.

BUT, your game (IL2/HSFX/...) will probably not recognize them and your coop will not load. Air regiments are hard-coded inside the game, and the default listing inside Airforce_Units in SEOW represents ALL the defined units inside HSFX.

If you have added extra regiments without ensuring that your game/mod supports them, you may be in for a shock at coop hosting time (if any active flights are using those regimental names).
