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Missing kills in pilot statistic

Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2010 4:29 am
by Mhondoz

We are running a campaign with 4.09m and HSFX 4.1.

After the last mission we noticed that one of the human players did not get his latest kill registered on the total statistic for him. But it is listed in the latest mission detail brief. We are using Statistics v1.128.

I have seen sometimes that kills are not written to the log, or that the game does not register it even if the player get the "Enemy Aircraft Destroyed" (you see that the points are not registered in the game after you stop the mission). But this time it were registered both in game, and in the SEOW statistics for the last mission.

I have uploaded the HTML files for the statistic here:

The player Ravenlord had 4 kills before the last mission. In the last mission he shot down a Ju-87, as seen here: ... 11200.html

But it is not shown here or here.

Any hints?

Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2010 10:30 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Mhondoz,

Probably a stats error. I will try to debug this weekend. Thanks for letting me know! :)


Posted: Sat 27 Mar 2010 6:36 pm
by Mhondoz
(tried to send this as mail, but it did not get through)

Hi 4Shades :-)

I upgraded the stats engine by unzipping and overwriting the existing stats engine. We have now flown a couple more missions, and Ravenlord has shot down another Stuka too. But the total stats shows only one Stuka.

I have uploaded the missions, database and eventlogs here:

Posted: Sat 27 Mar 2010 10:47 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Fixed. Check your email. :)

Posted: Sat 03 Apr 2010 7:18 am
by Mhondoz
Brilliant :-)

Statistics Tool v1.135 fixed it.

Thanks a lot :-)