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Battle of Britain

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010 12:24 am
by JG6_Express
Hi all. Does anyone have a Battle of Britain campaign/template using Canons map of the channel? I do not see any map available in the resources link but know that others have it.
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010 3:23 am
by II/JG54_Emil
We/I donĀ“t have a BoB template but start very soon a Battle of France template.

We want it to lead into the Battle of Britain if blue is successful.

Eventually we want to use the 352nd CrossChannelmap as it is in 1:1 scale.

So if you like you can join.

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010 1:29 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
We ran a Channel campaign last year on the Canon Map. (is it the 1/2 scale one?)
I should find the initialized database somewhere.

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2010 2:08 am
by JG6_Express
Thanks fellas,

The channel campaign on the Canon map is the one we had heard about. We would be very gratefull if we could "borrow" your campaign template.

I have seen the 352 cross channel map and think it also will make a great SEOW addition once someone incorporates it into the database.

22GCT_Gross let me know what will be the best way to download your db.

Emil, thank you for the invite to participate in your campaign. We will keep our eyes open and if possible due to our time differences, will try to hook up with you.


Posted: Sun 13 Jun 2010 2:17 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
You'll find:
EC_20090425_init.rar (the sedb32b database version: you have to adapt to te current db version)
EC_20090427_planned.rar (before flying the first mission)
BoB_template.rar (the template mission file)
EC_AircrewDisposition.pdf (how the axis managed the squads, a picture)
Axis assignments2.pdf (as above, in sheet style)

Pay ATTENTION: that Channel campaign was flown by the AWI Mod. You MUST check the database and adapt it to the game version you are using.
Some tables will be different (object_specifications; Airforce_Units; AircraftLoadout ecc ecc); your database must match the database of the game version you are using.
If you will use the HSFX, I suggest you:
- to open the template mission file and edit it by the HSFX objects;
- Inizialize a new campaign by the last available database version

Download 22GCT English Channel Campaign Data
See stats at ... &Itemid=79

Posted: Sun 13 Jun 2010 10:10 pm
by JG6_Express
Thank you, we appreciate it very much. We try to fly a SEOW mission once a week. I see by your previous stats that you hosted 57 missionwith this db. That will keep us busy for a year:)

Again a big THANK YOU!
