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How do I add Squadrons

Posted: Mon 05 Jul 2010 5:27 pm
by EAF331_Starfire
I have a test campaign running in on the Italy online map.
I assume the database choose historical squadrons and since is running 1944 I guess that there are only fighter sqd's left,

I want to add some groundattack planes with real sqds names.
Any idear how I add new Squadrons?


Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010 9:08 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Starfire,

IL-2 has hard-coded air regimental names, so you can't add arbitrary squadron names. If you do, you will break the .mis file format and the mission will not load.

Having said that, SEOW does include all available regimental names in the Airforce_Units table. Open that table and have a look; that's all the names you can use. If some of them you need to use are not mapped to the Italy sector, simply change their Campaign_Sector field to Italy. They will then be available in your campaign.

Note that you can also enable squadrons/regiments in your sector by using them in the campaign template. SEOW will identify all regiments in the template PLUS all regiments designated as the sector defaults in the Airforce_Units table, and will allow all of these to operate in your campaign.


Posted: Wed 07 Jul 2010 5:06 am
by EAF331_Starfire

Quite nice.

I guess that adding additional Sqds are up to 1C and the HSFX Team.

How are the rules regarding the SEOW Wiki?
I think that most of your and the others anwers to my questions deservers a their own notes in the Wiki and I would glady do it as payback :wink:

Posted: Wed 07 Jul 2010 5:14 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Anyone can be an author at the SEOW Wiki, but because we were spammed some time back, we have to add new authors individually. Dore or Katana would be the people to ask to get an account there. All help with the Wiki gratefully accepted!


Posted: Thu 21 Jun 2012 12:02 am
by Zoi
I have a similar question. How do I get ships to be assigned to the Regia Marina instead of the Kriegsmarine. A related question is what effect do setting in the Sector Dominance have?

Posted: Thu 21 Jun 2012 3:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Zoi,

Make Italy the Axis Dominant in your sector. The Dominant determines the nationality of navy, rail and commanding army.


Posted: Thu 21 Jun 2012 4:01 am
by Zoi
Thanks Shades! I have noticed in your campaigns that there is great attention paid to accurate unit designations. I assume that you edit the database somehow to achieve this. Could you give us a short rundown of your technique when you have time.