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France Map

Posted: Wed 28 Jul 2010 6:09 am
by PA-Dore
Specially for Badger and friends:

Here's a new SEOW France map including latest Ash'modifications. It's not yet a official HSFX and UP2.01 map. Ash added some bridges, railways, removed some rail blockages, modified airbases...

For all: You can use the new MP below with the old database and the actual official map: France 1940 Online (Ash) (PA_Dore)
You can use the new MP and the new database below with the modified map France 1940 Online (Ash) (PA_Dore)

New SEOW france sql + MP

New Ash France map

Have a look (login: admin password: password

What I have done:
- Captured all railways and rail bridges
- Captured new blockages
- Captured all airbases
- Captured new Tile Map Codes
- All graphics MP are new.

What I have to do:
- Modify Airbases layouts
- Capture roads (big work) because of changed # bridges and some new roads.
--> Badger: You can begin and initialize your campaign with datas above, I'll send others datas later.

Posted: Wed 28 Jul 2010 6:45 pm
by JG26_Badger

I can't thank you enough for your effort in this area. I really appreciate it I just wish Ashes would have looked at the Database you sent him and used that to identify the blockages. It seems that would have made it easier for all, maybe he did not understand. Anyway thanks again and although it is not perfect it is alot better than the original, plus the airfields work now.

I will use these new files and initiate the template.

Thanks again for all your assistance.
