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Resupply bug

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010 1:35 pm
I just encountered a bug in interim release MP4-v4.623.

As administrator in the Campaign Reinforcements section of Campaign Management, when I select an air supply point, an available aircraft, specify the number and press the arrow (which is below rather than adjacent to the data line) I get a pop-up window that says:
Line: 922
Error: Object required
Line 922 is:
Has this bug been fixed in a later interim release?

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010 9:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, I think it has. I am currently extending the supply point and reinforcement logic.


Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010 9:34 pm

Now, is there an easy fix for version 4.623 that I can apply for our current campaign?

Best wishes,

Posted: Thu 26 Aug 2010 10:31 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Tushka,

Unfortunately I am at v4.695 now, and I cannot easily roll things back to your revision to test. As a last guess, if you are using Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox witth IETab2, make sure you turn Compatibility Mode ON in IE8 and then restart all your browsers.

If this fails, as a work-around, just add the types you want to you Resupply_Replacements table directly. For ObjType, use the Object_Specifications.Object_Type value for the object you want. Leave Committed and Used fields as zero.


Posted: Thu 26 Aug 2010 1:10 pm
Compatibility mode works like a charm! Thanks! I'll pass the word.