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help MP uniticons

Posted: Tue 31 Aug 2010 6:20 pm
by F/JG300_hammel

I've installed 4.610.a SEOW with wamp
server, Apache 2.2.11 php 5.3.0 sql 5.1.36 but I've got a couple of
problems. I can't see the map icons !

I did use
$IconLocation="/SEOW/MP4/uniticons/"; in configuration.php
but to no avail.

Any help would be greatly appreciated by me and my teammates.

Posted: Tue 31 Aug 2010 8:49 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Hammel,

I assume that by "map icons" you mean the unit icons that show locations of unit on the background map of a campaign.

You need to set $IconLocations to point to where you installed the MP inside your WAMP/Apache document tree. The default value $IconLocation="/SEOW/MP4/uniticons/"; is just a suggestion, it is up to you to make sure it is correct for your installation.

If you still have some problems, PM me or PA_Dore (French speaker) with URL of your server and we can check.


Posted: Wed 01 Sep 2010 4:44 am
by F/JG300_hammel
thank you shades

here is my URL

I tried several ways but it does not work

the icon does not appear

si PA_dore passe par la c'est plus simple pour moi en français merci

Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 1:40 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Just from that URL I can see that you will probably need to use $IconLocation = "/uniticons/";

Normally I place the MP inside its own folder "MP4" to keep it away from other things you might want to publish through your web server. Better still, and this is the default, I recommend creating a "SEOW" folder to keep the MP in, giving you two levels of separation from the rest of your web pages.


Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 2:15 am
by F/JG300_hammel
hello is how it is configured
C: \ wamp \ www \ Seow \ MP4 \ uniticons
sorry but my server was off to my home from work

Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 3:59 am
by PA-Dore
Salut Hammel, rien de grave dans ce qui t'arrive, effectivement le chemin des uniticons doit être modifié ;-) Ton script ne les trouve pas.
En 2 mots:
1) Ton MP (tous les dossiers de carte + les dossiers Scripts + Statistics + uniticons) doivent se trouver ici: C:\wamp\www\MP4
2) Vas dans le dossier Scripts, édite le fichier MP-Configuration.php, ligne 14:
$IconLocation="/MP4/uniticons/"; (attention aux / et \)

Ca devrait marcher...

--> Une fois que tu as initialisé ta campagne (comme actuellement) pense à enlever les ordres en cours (Console DCS --> Remove in Progress) ça allégera l'affichage et les scripts et ça te permettra de programmer les ordres.

Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 6:14 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, Dore is correct.

I do not think that your MP is located in C: \ wamp \ www \ Seow \ MP4 \. I think it is located in C: \ wamp \ www \ , and that is the confusion. As a check, try to load . This is the README file for the MP. I can see this file, which tells me that the MP must be located at C: \ wamp \ www \.


Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 8:56 am
by PA-Dore
yes your MP is here:

He should be in www/MP or MP4

Oui ton dossier est à la mauvaise place (lien ci-dessus), il devrait être dans un sous-dossier MP ou MP4 pour qu'on ait:

Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 4:28 pm
by F/JG300_hammel
ok ça marche merci de votre aide

encore bravos pour le travail que vous faites

thank you very much