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Ground control and ships

Posted: Wed 01 Sep 2010 5:32 am
by Fisch
Hi all,
we detected some strange thing during our actually running Italy-Campaign.
Let me tell :D :

Napoli Airfield is Blue controlled. No the red side thought it would be a good idea to send 3 Dent-Class DD´s to the coast, having a little party with the blue ground troops standing at Napoli Airfield :twisted: :lol: .

So we did. 2 DD´s crashed, one survived and is positioned within 3000m range of the airfield. The Airfield is now shown as "Axis controlled, but in dispute". So far - so good.

The strange thing is, that all blue Aircraft are shown as captured by Red side, even if there are still 2 blue units left within 3000m range of the airfield.

Ground control settings are 6 Platoons, "enable aircraft capture at overrun airbases" is on.
Can anyone explain, why the parked aircraft are now red? :roll:
I would understand this if red side had taken the airbase, but it´s still in dispute, and there is only one red Ship in capturing range.
Thanks for any kind of help.


Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 6:08 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Fisch,

Not sure - but it sounds like a bug. You are using MP v4.610a and DCS v3.2.7?


Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010 8:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Just checked my development version - the naval overrun is handled properly here, so it seems the release system you have has a bug.

Addition: I am preparing a new release of SEOW at the moment.


Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010 2:47 am
by Fisch
Hi 4Shades,

we use MP v4.610a but DCS v 3.26. Do You think that this is the problem?

New release? Sounds good :D .