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toexport problem

Posted: Mon 04 Oct 2010 11:37 am
by PA-Findo
hi Shades,

I just installed the latest MP and when I opened an area on any map I have this error. is that you understand the problem? I do not understand!

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rs2csv() (previously declared in C:\xampp\php\PEAR\adodb\ in C:\xampp\htdocs\ScorchedEarth\MP4public\Scripts\adodb\ on line 28
what the matter ? :(

thx for new files , great Job


Posted: Mon 04 Oct 2010 8:13 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Findo,

Please tell me your browser version, web server version, XAMP version and PHP version.


Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010 3:45 am
by =69.GIAP=BOOS
I had this problem and I deleted the PEAR folder(after I backed it up) in the xampp\php\. This worked for me but I'd wait for some professional input.

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010 7:17 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, looking at Findo's report again, it seems as if the XAMPP PEAR module includes adodb. MP also uses adodb as a database abstraction layer, so having two adodb loads at the same time is counter-productive.

Removing PEAR from XAMPP will not hurt SEOW in any way. However, do not remove adodb from the MP, since there are some customizations inside the included adodb files that are crucial to MP performance.


Posted: Wed 06 Oct 2010 10:24 am
by PA-Findo
thank you, the problem was a misconfigured MP-Connection ( thx Dore ans Syspo :wink: ) , however, I have another problem, I deleted the directory in PEAR XAMP this changes nothing, I post the problem later when I get home my work.

Posted: Wed 06 Oct 2010 12:54 pm
by PA-Findo
I do not understand, I set up for 2 years and installs different versions of SEOW, I've never had a problem now since the latest version is a disaster, nothing works on XAMPP, WAMP or Easyphp it there are errors.

so its always the same errors , and always it is the adodb

error on XAMP


error on easyphp


Posted: Wed 06 Oct 2010 7:36 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Findo,

You are probably using PHP 5.3.3 which has deprecated some functions from earlier versions. If you use PHP 5.2.x the MP should work perfectly. I use PHP 5.2.10 at the moment.

I thought that "deprecation" meant that the function was still available but was soon to be removed in a future version. Perhaps your EasyPHP and/or XAMPP error handling is set to report deprecated functions and then abort. Maybe by changing the error handling mode you can override these deprecation warnings.

I hate it when PHP makes these arbitrary changes!


Posted: Thu 07 Oct 2010 5:50 am
by PA-Findo
thx for all Shades, i go to try a older version of PHP , Maybe it will be good :lol:

Posted: Wed 22 Dec 2010 4:37 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Hi Shades,

I have just installed the newest Xampp 1.7.3 which also has PHP/5.3.1 installed. So I will have issues too? Should I also remove PERL folder as explained above? Sorry to bump an old post.

I have the lastest SEDB32F, MP4public-v4.710, Statistics-v1.144 and will use SEDCS-v3.2.20_installer. Do I need GENSQL_V4.3.rar? I'm really unsure how to process all of this . I did find a post on here about how to install so I will try that first.

Thank you!

Posted: Wed 22 Dec 2010 9:16 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

You should go to the download site and drill down to get the MP v4.722 patch as well. DCS v3.2.21 is the latest now, I think. You do not need GenSQL. There should be a README file inside that explains database things.

I haven't explored PHP 5.3.x yet, so I assume that you will find the problems above like Findo did.


Posted: Thu 10 Mar 2011 5:57 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Hi 4Shades,

I have made you a READONLY user name and password to look at my errors on my site. I believe it is the same as above.

Problem is I do not have control of installing a different version of php because this is a payed website, not my home server. I could not get Xampp to work to save my life. LOL

Apache version 2.2.14
PHP version 5.3.1
MySQL version 5.0.91-community

When you click the hyperlink text that shows up while changing maps you get errors like this, but it does continue to the map page. Looking into the /SEOW/MP4/Stalingrad/ folder on the site it is correct, there is no file called "function.mktime" or "function.gmmktime"

I have the newest:


Page errors>

"Not Found
The requested URL /SEOW/MP4/Stalingrad/function.mktime was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."


"Not Found
The requested URL /SEOW/MP4/Stalingrad/function.gmmktime was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."


SEOW site:

User: 4shades
Pass: 4shades

Thanks in advance!!


Posted: Thu 10 Mar 2011 8:49 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

I looked at your MP and on the front page down the bottom I noticed it said v4.710. Probably your patch to v4.733 did not work properly. All the "mktime" errors etc are PHP v5.3.x related and most of these should have been corrected by v4.733, so please redo the patch again.


Posted: Thu 10 Mar 2011 10:34 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Thank you, sorry. I will let you know.

Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011 3:07 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Hi 4Shades

I ran the v4.733 patch on the server and now I can't get on at all. Please use the
link to my SEOW MP to see the error. I changed the MP-Configuration.php and MP-Connection.php which were on the working DB.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rs2csv() in /home/airgroup/public_html/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/adodb/ on line 25

Do I need to delete and reload my databases?

SEOW site:

User: 4shades
Pass: 4shades

Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011 8:07 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

That problem is nothing to do with your databases, it is all about your PHP environment. Sorry that you are having these problems. I am trying to think of a way around them for you.
