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Problems downloading new missions

Posted: Fri 23 Mar 2007 6:21 am
by Ala13_Nachote
Hello :)

Lastly we have some problem with SEDCS.

We are running 2 Campaigns - Crimea, Prokhorovka- and every time we start SEDCS3 for download new generated missions the button "Upload Results" is activated, not the "Download New Mission". ( surely the button text is not correct , but cant start the program now ). Yes, previous results were upload before :).

Calling our BBDD admin, he change something in the tables and then we are able to download the new mission, but it would be better if we know what we are doing wrong.

This odd thing only happened before very very rarely, but lastly is continuous.

Rigth now i have installed SEDCS 3.00(a7) in 3 PCs ( running only one at a time ), and other commander-Host also have it, sometimes i am the downloader-host, sometimes is the other commander, but i think this is not a issue.

Thanks in advance.



Posted: Fri 23 Mar 2007 8:29 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Nachote
Calling our BBDD admin, he change something in the tables and then we are able to download the new mission, but it would be better if we know what we are doing wrong.
Sometimes, when Analyzing, the DCS does not write the appropriate record to Sector_Status table (saying "Analyzed"), but normally when this happens you get an error message saying that the DB connection timed out. I am curious what changes your BBDD admin made!


Posted: Sat 24 Mar 2007 5:36 am
by Ala13_Nachote
Hi 4Shades :)

Yes, sometimes we got the timeout message when the upload is finished, the map is very big and there are a lot of units. Sometimes Analize Last Mission takes up to 30m... i have Compression checked.

I will ask at our admin what changes made.


Posted: Sat 24 Mar 2007 4:46 pm
by Ala13_Mdie
Hi 4Shades:

To fix this issue I made an insert into Sector_Status table with those fields:

'39', 'Prokhorovka', 'Analyzed', '194409301000', 'eventlog_SE-Prokhorovka-194409301000.lst'

I thought it could work and it did. :shock: :wink:


Posted: Sat 24 Mar 2007 9:05 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
That is exactly what you should have done. You are a master!
