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Roster functionality

Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 11:42 am
by 62_Anubis
Hi to all SEOW fans...

I´ve been reading the documentation and doing some tests, and I don´t seem to find (or I´m doing something wrong) the functionality of the Pilot Roster tool.
Is it linked to the place the pilots take once a mission is hosted or is purely informational in the web interface? I´ve set several pilots with the tool, but this is not reflected in the hosted mission. Again, maybe I misunderstood the use of it.



Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 3:10 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
There is no link between the pilot roster input and the mission. It's only an informational frame where the planner can set the seats instead of writing annoying posts and players can find a brief information.

Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 3:24 pm
by 62_Anubis
Great! Thanks a lot for your reply, Gross!

I have lots of questions about SEOW (yes, I am in process of "RTFM" ;) )
but I´ll be posting them little by little because I don´t want all of you to hate me :)

Thanks again, and greetings.
