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Pearl Harb

Posted: Sun 25 Mar 2007 7:12 am
by III/JG11_Mel
is anyone building the peal harbour map for use in SE ????


Posted: Sun 25 Mar 2007 7:56 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Not that I know of, but we have some of the data already. It should be very easy - not many roads/bridges to speak of.


Posted: Sun 25 Mar 2007 10:33 pm
by III/JG11_Mel
LOL who do we pay to get the map done :lol:

We would like to use it for the next AG51 V JG11 campaign.

Vegimite anyone ????


Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2007 5:10 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Looks like I have a new map to work on unless someone is already working on it.

Ok Mel,

What would help is areas of interest ie grid positions where you would like to see 3D detail views.
Yes, the island and airbases are a given along with a larger view of overall harbour so ships can be maneuvered and positioned with accuracy.

Are there any expected areas for land invasion etc that will require detailed view also?

I have found that the map creation process needs careful consideration on how battles will be fought and the detail in how planning unit movements can be achieved and where.
Input from people who are going to campaign on the map is hugely helpful in getting a good result.

Look forward to any input you can give me.


Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2007 6:17 am
by VT-51_Thud
II/JG77Hawk_5 wrote:I have found that the map creation process needs careful consideration on how battles will be fought and the detail in how planning unit movements can be achieved and where.
Input from people who are going to campaign on the map is hugely helpful in getting a good result.
Roger! I will get a message out to our key planners to give you some input.

Thank you.

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2007 9:56 am
by VT-51_Flatspin
This sounds like a great campaign to do next! If the area around Ford Island is used we might want/need a stress-test as the number of objects there can cause frame issues IIRC.

Looking forward to this!

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2007 8:21 pm
by III/JG11_Mel

Thanks mate, we will be looking at invading and defending the main island and the same for the big western island etc, we will be using airborne and sea invasion techniques with the ability to build temp air fields on land etc.

To start with it will be a carrier fleet v carrier fleet etc with objectives on land etc. EG factory destruction tied to speed and range of ships etc.

Appreciate your help mate, I know Tige is a good hand with some of this stuff but I dont have a clue.
If I can help with anything let me know.

Thanks again.


Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2007 9:43 am
by II/JG7_Warg
Hi there,

The road and airbase coordinates were done over the Christmas break and as always, Hawk5 and 4Shades are on it. Incidentally, also have an old SE template for this (not published), though an based on the actual attack on the morning of December 7th, 1941. Might save you some time or a point of reference to work from. Your welcome to it, though I'd probably need to review the accompanying template notes.

Regards, Warg

Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2007 10:27 pm
by III/JG11_Mel
Thanks warg - have a copy of that and looking forward to having a look at it.



Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2007 4:49 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Work has begun on the map but Flatspin has raised a good point about the frame rate issue.

A fully loaded template may indeed cause a heavy slowdown around the harbour and rest of the map.

By all means, build a test co-op with a reasonable object load on the map, moving ships (carrier task forces) and moving land forces etc so you can set template limits earlier rather than later ie. when your ready to kickoff campaign. This then published would be a good guide for other users thinking of doing a Pearl scenario some time in the future.

Starting point?

a mission with the following units moving to use as a load test. Add a variety of static units as well.

10 ships (eg: 1 carrier, 4 destroyer escort per group)
20 platoons (10 platoon ground movements per side)
40 aircraft


Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2007 7:50 am
by II/JG7_Warg
Hi there,

I'll send the template over to you Mel (not sure if you have it already). The ships at Pearl (about 50+) are in their historic positions, all stationery and fire rate set at 99.00. Apart from AAA at airfields, nothing else added to map. Reckon, it'd be a good idea to leave the ships as is, to keep down frame rates and give the attackers a decent chance. All aircraft are loaded at the bases and onto carriers at historic distributions and strengths. No reinforcements to add. Default skins are OK. Don't have any notes for this template, but can probably make something for aircraft type name changes and special rules. e.g. unarmed B-17's inbound from the mainland, etc, etc. From memory (about a year or two ago), I've placed the Japanese Strike Force (Kido Butai) at about half the actual distance from Hawaii. The force itself was six fleet carriers, two battleships, two light cruisers and nine destroyers in the formation set out.

Pearl Harbour is well documented and there are endless possibilities, since you mentioned the Japanese in following up with a land invasion. Of course that would mean transports, battleships, cruisers and possible light carrier (Hosho?) out further west on the map. Therefore additional American forces. The carrier Enterprise, with three crusiers, nine destroyers were on the way back from Wake (from south-west to Hawaii). Some of her Dauntlesses flew into the attack. The carrier Lexington sailed on the 5th to Midway, with three cruisers and five destroyers. (To the north-west of Hawaii) and the Heavy Crusier Indianapolis and five destroyers, south at Johnston Island. Closer still was the cruiser Minneapolis and four destroyers on gunnery exercise just south of Oahu.

But to do all this, I'm guessing you'll need a Kray supercomputer to run the thing. Anyway I'll send the template for your people to thrash through.

Regards, Warg

Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2007 4:34 pm
by Hitcher
I believe the Naval Rate of Fire setting in DCS will override any NOF settings in individual ship units within the template.

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2007 8:52 pm
by III/JG11_Mel
Thanks guys

Once we have the map inside the SE environment we can evaluate factories and ground stuff etc. We are in the process of discussing what scenario we will start with so we will be able to set the limits and test them etc once we are over this stage.

In the meantime I will have a look at your template Warg and run it and stress test with the AG51 lads to see if there will be a problem.

We almost have it down pat what to use to keep frame rates down due to the testing we did with the Guadal canal map, which we could never get to run by the way. But that's another story.

We appreciate the help guys and once we have it sorted we will make it available as a template etc for all to use.



Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2007 4:53 am
by II/JG7_Warg
No problems Mel. Am curious on the reason why the Guadalcanal map is unusable. Made a Coral Sea template, using it awhile back and it was mostly ocean. Guess it has to be numbers of moving ships and firing rates. On that matter, you have a reasonable argument to set US ships to no fire at all for the opening Pearl Harbour missions. Did you ever get the SE missions to run to the full two hours by the way? Just finished a template for the Marianas 41 map and interested in this. On the Pokorova map, have found that limiting the number of orders issued to ground units also helps with frame rates.


Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2007 9:14 pm
by III/JG11_Mel
Yo Warg

No- no matter what we did we could not get past the 40-60 min mark. Didn't matter what we did including having no ground units and min naval units.

We are looking at using the Marianas map for a mini campaign till the Pearl map is incorporated into SE. Any idea when this will be guys -- just a general idea would help us greatly at the moment.
