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Consolidating Flights

Posted: Sun 25 Mar 2007 7:38 am
by VT-51_Thud
I apologise for the unusual questions I've posted. This is my first round as a mission planner in our on-going war against JG11.

Is it possible to cosolidate or merge flight/elements? I have quite a few single aircraft in flights and it gets a bit confusing when planning four-ship missions when you have to piece-mill a four ship out of multiple elements. It is most confusing for the players trying to locate which aircraft they need to select in-game.

I have:
Flt 1, El 1 = 1 acft
Flt 2, El 1 = 1 acft
Flt 2, El 1 = 2 acft

Would like to merge as
Flt 2, El 2 = 4 acft

Posted: Sun 25 Mar 2007 8:00 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Thud,

At present, the best way to do this is to withdraw the aircraft to a common Air Withdraw point. At the end of the mission they will all be available as unallocated reinforcements, at which time you can simply commission a new unit.

It kind of simulates squadrons being retired from the front due to heavy losses.

Alternatively, you can send a couple of flights to the withdraw point and use the demobbed aircraft to top up your existing under-strength flights.


Posted: Sun 25 Mar 2007 9:52 am
by VT-51_Thud
Thank you for your help. :)