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Missing file in patchv4.710-v4.733?

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011 6:35 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
I haven't gotten this server to run just yet. I thought I was close but it seems now it is looking for a file that is not loaded in adodb53/drivers/. There is a "" in adodb/drivers/ folder, but it didn't work. Is this file and/or others missing from the ""?

AutoUpdate was working before I had to uninstall the srever and reload, now I can't get that to run either.

Is the link for 1.1 version the newest AutoUpdater because the sourceforge is 1.3 I think?

This is what the page shows on my site

Code: Select all

 Array ( [0] => stdClass [1] => Exception [2] => ErrorException [3] => Closure [4] => COMPersistHelper [5] => com_exception [6] => com_safearray_proxy [7] => variant [8] => com [9] => dotnet [10] => DateTime [11] => DateTimeZone [12] => DateInterval [13] => DatePeriod [14] => ReflectionException [15] => Reflection [16] => ReflectionFunctionAbstract [17] => ReflectionFunction [18] => ReflectionParameter [19] => ReflectionMethod [20] => ReflectionClass [21] => ReflectionObject [22] => ReflectionProperty [23] => ReflectionExtension [24] => LogicException [25] => BadFunctionCallException [26] => BadMethodCallException [27] => DomainException [28] => InvalidArgumentException [29] => LengthException [30] => OutOfRangeException [31] => RuntimeException [32] => OutOfBoundsException [33] => OverflowException [34] => RangeException [35] => UnderflowException [36] => UnexpectedValueException [37] => RecursiveIteratorIterator [38] => IteratorIterator [39] => FilterIterator [40] => RecursiveFilterIterator [41] => ParentIterator [42] => LimitIterator [43] => CachingIterator [44] => RecursiveCachingIterator [45] => NoRewindIterator [46] => AppendIterator [47] => InfiniteIterator [48] => RegexIterator [49] => RecursiveRegexIterator [50] => EmptyIterator [51] => RecursiveTreeIterator [52] => ArrayObject [53] => ArrayIterator [54] => RecursiveArrayIterator [55] => SplFileInfo [56] => DirectoryIterator [57] => FilesystemIterator [58] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator [59] => GlobIterator [60] => SplFileObject [61] => SplTempFileObject [62] => SplDoublyLinkedList [63] => SplQueue [64] => SplStack [65] => SplHeap [66] => SplMinHeap [67] => SplMaxHeap [68] => SplPriorityQueue [69] => SplFixedArray [70] => SplObjectStorage [71] => MultipleIterator [72] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class [73] => php_user_filter [74] => Directory [75] => LibXMLError [76] => DOMException [77] => DOMStringList [78] => DOMNameList [79] => DOMImplementationList [80] => DOMImplementationSource [81] => DOMImplementation [82] => DOMNode [83] => DOMNameSpaceNode [84] => DOMDocumentFragment [85] => DOMDocument [86] => DOMNodeList [87] => DOMNamedNodeMap [88] => DOMCharacterData [89] => DOMAttr [90] => DOMElement [91] => DOMText [92] => DOMComment [93] => DOMTypeinfo [94] => DOMUserDataHandler [95] => DOMDomError [96] => DOMErrorHandler [97] => DOMLocator [98] => DOMConfiguration [99] => DOMCdataSection [100] => DOMDocumentType [101] => DOMNotation [102] => DOMEntity [103] => DOMEntityReference [104] => DOMProcessingInstruction [105] => DOMStringExtend [106] => DOMXPath [107] => SimpleXMLElement [108] => SimpleXMLIterator [109] => XMLReader [110] => XMLWriter [111] => XSLTProcessor [112] => PharException [113] => Phar [114] => PharData [115] => PharFileInfo [116] => finfo [117] => mysqli_sql_exception [118] => mysqli_driver [119] => mysqli [120] => mysqli_warning [121] => mysqli_result [122] => mysqli_stmt [123] => PDOException [124] => PDO [125] => PDOStatement [126] => PDORow [127] => SoapClient [128] => SoapVar [129] => SoapServer [130] => SoapFault [131] => SoapParam [132] => SoapHeader [133] => SQLiteDatabase [134] => SQLiteResult [135] => SQLiteUnbuffered [136] => SQLiteException [137] => SQLite3 [138] => SQLite3Stmt [139] => SQLite3Result [140] => ZipArchive [141] => SWFShape [142] => SWFFill [143] => SWFGradient [144] => SWFBitmap [145] => SWFText [146] => SWFTextField [147] => SWFFont [148] => SWFDisplayItem [149] => SWFMovie [150] => SWFButton [151] => SWFAction [152] => SWFMorph [153] => SWFMovieClip [154] => SWFSprite [155] => SWFSound [156] => SWFFontChar [157] => SWFButtonRecord [158] => SWFSoundInstance [159] => SWFVideoStream [160] => SWFBinaryData [161] => SWFInitAction [162] => SWFPrebuiltClip [163] => SWFSoundStream [164] => SWFFilter [165] => SWFFilterMatrix [166] => SWFShadow [167] => SWFBlur [168] => SWFCXform [169] => SWFMatrix [170] => SWFInput [171] => SWFBrowserFont [172] => SWFFontCollection [173] => SWFCharacter [174] => PDFlibException [175] => PDFlib [176] => ADOFieldObject [177] => ADOConnection [178] => ADOFetchObj [179] => ADORecordSet_empty [180] => ADODB_Iterator [181] => ADODB_BASE_RS [182] => ADORecordSet [183] => ADORecordSet_array ) Missing file: C:\xampp\htdocs\seow\MP4public\Scripts\adodb53/drivers/ 
ADONewConnection: Unable to load database driver ''

Thanks in advance!!

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011 6:54 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
OK, AutoUpdater worked this time. It filled the adodb53/drivers folder with the file and other files it was looking for. I guess check your update upload on sourceforge, it is missing many files unless I had a few bad downloads.

Now I get this message, but I haven't setup anything other then:

$DefaultDBCon = array("mysql","localhost","3306","root","SQLpasswordhere","seowdb");

Not sure where to go now after many many hours of looking. I'm sure it is something I missed. Xampp tests good for SQL, and all the programs too. I made one Database "seowdb" from the SEDB32F_Reference.sql I should see a webpage with all the sectors listed now correct? If I want to load a Stalingrad map do I make a new database with SEDB32F_Reference.sql then SEDB32F_Stalingrad.sql? I'm sorry if that is a newbie question but this is the part I'm not grasping yet. I do plan to make a complete A-Z instructions when all the hoops are jumped through.

Code: Select all

Notice: Undefined index: Tarawa in C:\xampp\htdocs\seow\MP4public\Scripts\default-iron.php on line 22
Unknown database provider "".

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011 7:01 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Replace "localhost" with my IP now in "MP-Connection.php" I get the screen I was getting before now.

$DefaultDBCon = array("mysql","","3306","root","ag51cobraj","seowdb");

Database not right?

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011 7:10 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Also maybe related, my first database was named "seowdb". That didn't work either, but I decided to reload everything and then start a new database called "SEOW1" which was what the instructions said that I was following. I got errors saying that it could find database "seowdb" which I removed from SQL. The MP-Connection.php info was also changed to look for "SEOW1". I couldn't get it to work this far unless I loaded another "seowdb". Is there some better way to clear SQL databases or was the MP looking for it because it was written somewhere else?

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011 9:09 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

If there are any files missing in your MP, you can always download individual files from the SEOW CVS tree.

Anyway, for 99% of all installations the MP and MySQL servers reside on the same machine. If this is the case for your setup, the MP should use "localhost" as the DB connection address.

There should only be one place in the MP where database connections are defined, and that is Scripts/MP-Connection.php. This file is managed by Scripts/MP-Admin.php, or you can even edit MP-Connection.php in a text editor if you like.

The really important step is to make sure that your MySQL database is loaded and the corresponding MySQL user account works and has all the permissions required to read+write to the database. You should verify this independently of the MP install process.

For more information on the SEDB release and how to use it, please read the README file inside the zip file.

Please report back on your progress!


Posted: Wed 11 Dec 2013 10:12 pm
by II/JG54_Emil
I get the same problem.

Code: Select all

Notice: Undefined index: Borneo in /var/www/SEOW/MP4public/Scripts/default-green.php on line 24
Unknown database provider "".
When going into /SEOW/MP4public/Scripts/MP-Admin.php
I see all sectors Database Connection Definitions set apart from Borneo, Burma, Italy_Africa_Greece, Palau, Palembang, Thailand and Western Carolines.
These are the new maps that come with the autoupdater and are not part of the ...

What do need to do?

Posted: Thu 12 Dec 2013 1:45 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
which is your database version?

Posted: Thu 12 Dec 2013 3:04 pm
by II/JG54_Emil
I think this: ... p/download

But I need to recheck.

Posted: Fri 13 Dec 2013 7:09 am
by II/JG54_Emil
I´ll continue posting here: ... e9a45c1a6a

Since this is describing my current problem better.